Creado por Salma Flor
hace casi 5 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
BLOOD | BLOOD the red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart, and carries oxygen and important substances to organs and tissue, and removes waste products. |
NUTRIENT | NUTRIENTS any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow. |
OXYGEN a chemical element that is a gas with no smell or color. Oxygen forms a large part of the air on earth and is needed by animals and plants to live. | |
BREAK DOWN to separate something, into smaller parts. | |
REMOVE WASTE to eliminate substances that are not necessary for the body. | |
PATHOGENS any small organism, such as a virus or a bacterium that can cause disease | |
HARMFUL causing damage or injury | |
Blood (binary/octet-stream)
BLOOD CELLS any of the cells that carry oxygen around the body and protect it. |
LYMPH a clear liquid that transports useful substances around the body, and carries waste matter, such as unwanted bacteria, away from body tissue to prevent infection. | |
HORMONES any of various chemicals made by living cells that influence the development, growth, sex, etc. of an animal and are carried around the body in the blood. |
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