Causes of the French Revolution


Fichas sobre Causes of the French Revolution, creado por pmcguinness el 26/03/2015.
Fichas por pmcguinness, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por pmcguinness hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

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Causes of the French Revolution A divided Society the Enlightenment the American War of Independence & the King and Queen caused the French Revolution.
- a Divided Society - - a Divided Society - - First estate - clergy (bishops and archbishops) - excluding parish priests - Second estate - the nobility (few in number, but extremely rich. They had all the best jobs - Third estate - consisted of everyone else (middle or bourgeoisie and poor or peasants) - the poor made up 80% of the population. Only the third estate paid taxes
- the Enlightenment - - the Enlightenment - - this was a movement, which started in Europe, where educated people started to question old traditions. - Leading members of the movement were Rousseau & Voltaire. - The beliefs of the Enlightenment had already inspired the American War of Independence, now it was France's turn.
- the American War of Independence - - the American War of Independence - - the A.W.I. showed ordinary people could rise up and take power - French soldiers had fought in America and brought back "people power" to France - Marquis de Lafayette was one such man - French involvement in the A. W. I. cost the state, so taxes were a way to raise money Louis XVI called a meeting of the "Estates General" (representatives from each estate) to help him collect money - This set the wheels in motion for revolution & and the death of Louis XVI
- the King and Queen - - the King and Queen - - Louis XVI was an absolute monarch, meaning he had complete control over France. - However Louis was not suited to this role, he preferred hunting to hard work - He was also influenced by his wife Queen Marie Antoinette - She was unpopular because she was Austrian (French hated Austrians), she influenced the King's decisions & her extravagant lifestyle nearly made the country bankrupt.
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