Week 08


Week 8 flashcards
Fichas por tyson.schierholt, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por tyson.schierholt hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Set of disorders occurring almost entirely in old age in which many aspects of thought and behavior are so impaired that everyday activities are disrupted Dementia
Which gender does dementia affect more often? Women
What disease is associated with the deterioration of the neurons in the subcortical brain, which controls muscle movements? Parkinson's disease
The most common form of dementia Alzheimer's disease
What 2 aspects of a person are affected by Alzheimer's disease? Thought and Behaviour
What 2 structural changes are made to the brain by Alzheimer's disease? Neurofibrillary tangles and Amyloid plaques
Bundles of twisted threads formed from collapsed neural structures, containing the protein tau Neurofibrillary tangles
Dense deposits of deteriorated protein called amyloid surrounded by clumps of dead nerve and glial cells outside neurons Amyloid plaques
Damaged protein that can accumulate to toxic levels within the brain Amyloid
What are the 2 types of Alzheimer's disease? Familial (Hereditary - Chr 1, 14 & 21) and Sporadic (Spontaneous - ApoE4 gene)
True/False: People with Down Syndrome almost always have symptoms of Alzheimer's after age 40 True
True/False: Individuals with diabetes have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease False
How does Insulin Therapy help treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease? Naturally occurring antibodies work against the harmful amyloid proteins
What 4 lifestyle changes can help protect against Alzheimer's disease? 1. Mediterranean diet 2. Education 3. Cognitively stimulating activities 4. Physical activities
Degeneration of mental ability produced by a series of strokes that leave areas of dead brain cells Cerebrovascular Dementia
True/False: Heredity has a direct effect on Cerebrovascular Dementia by increasing the risk of stroke False (Indirect effect through CVD, HBP, and diabetes)
What is the most likely cause of Cerebrovascular Dementia? Atherosclerosis
What mental illness is most likely misdiagnosed as dementia? Depression
True/False: Adults age 75+ make up only 13% of the American population and account for 40+% of healthcare spending False (Adults age 65+)
Are Caucasian Americans or Ethnic Americans more likely to enter nursing homes? Caucasian Americans
What percentage of long-term care costs is provided by families? 60-80%
What is an alternative to expensive institutionalized care? Assisted Living
A homelike housing arrangement for seniors, who need more care than provided at home, but less than the care provided in nursing homes Assisted Living
The inability to control defecation and/or urination Incontinence
Extrinsic or Intrinsic factors of Incontinence? Infection/weakness of sphincter Constipation Drugs (eg. hypnotic, antiparasympathetic) Brain failure Impaired mobility and dexterity Extrinsic factors of Incontinence
Extrinsic or Intrinsic factors of Incontinence? Destabilization of bladder due to physiological and pathological changes in kidney and bladder function Intrinsic factors of Incontinence
Brain functions abnormally as a result of diffuse or widespread pathological changes in brain tissue and/or functional changes in its nutrition Intellectual Impairment
What 2 illnesses are included in Intellectual Impairment? Dementia and Delirium
True/False: Clinical syndromes which result from discrete focal lesions of the brain (eg. haemorrhage, tumour) are included as Intellectual Impairment False
True/False: Intellectual Impairment implies malfunction of all or nearly all of the brain True
Intrinsic or extrinsic causes of brain failure? Alzheimer's disease Huntington's disease Parkinson's disease Syphilis Intrinsic causes of brain failure
Intrinsic or extrinsic causes of brain failure? Toxicity Anoxicity Metabolism Endocrine Nutritional AIDS Extrinsic causes of brain failure
What 6 features of brain function are retained in brain failure? Logical thought Intelligence Personality Stored memory Skill Emotion
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