Week 11


Week 11 flashcards (Probably too many cards....)
Fichas por tyson.schierholt, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por tyson.schierholt hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What percentage of people live with their family (most with a spouse)? 87%
What period of life do people tend to have a larger number of close relationships? Midlife
Middle adulthood phase of family life is often referred to as.... "launching children and moving on"
There is an increase in launch-return-relaunch patterns for many middle-aged parents. What is the reason for this pattern? Increasing numbers of young adults living at home.
Which age group has the highest average annual income: 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, or 65-74? 45-54
True/False: Baby Boomers are better off than previous midlife generations. True
What is a strong predictor of midlife psychological well-being? Marital satisfaction
The divorce rate for 50-65 year old adults has increased over the past 2 decades. By how much has it increased? Divorce rate for 50-65 has doubled.
Men and women re-evaluate what they consider important in healthy relationships. What increases in importance over passionate love? Friendship
For women, marital breakup (especially when repeated) reduces standard of living, which means that it is a strong contributor to the.... feminization of poverty.
True/False: Low SES and cultural traditions of extended-family living allow children to leave home early. False (More likely to not leave home early)
Middle adulthood parents continue to give more assistance to children than they receive, especially if .... child is not married.
Middle-aged parents tend to play the role of the kin-keeper. Who is more likely: Mother or Father? Mother
What is the role of the kin-keeper in the family? To gather the family for celebrations and making sure everyone stays in touch.
What is the average age of becoming a grandparent for women? Men? Women: age 50 Men: age 52
How much of an adult's lifespan is in the role of grandparent? 1/3 or more (Due to longer life expectancy)
How do middle-aged adults rate the role of grandparenthood? Highly important, following the role of parent and spouse.
What are the 4 gratifications of grandparenthood? 1. Valued elder - more wise and helpful. 2. Immortality through descent - leaving behind 2 generations after death. 3. Reinvolvement with person past - pass on family history and values. 4. Indulgence - have fun with grandchildren
What 2 factors affect grandparent styles of relating to grandchild? Age and gender
True/False: As grandchildren get older, quality of relationships is more important than distance. True
Out of the 4 grandparents, which one has more frequent visits with grandchildren? Maternal grandmothers (Then paternal grandmothers before both grandfathers)
True/False: Grandparents tend to have closer relationships with grandchildren of the opposite sex. False (Same sex grandparents and grandchildren have closer relationships)
In low-income families and in some cultures, what happens to the role of the grandparents? More likely to perform essential activities and be actively involved in child rearing.
The percentage of middle-aged children living with a parent has increased from 10% in 1900 to what percentage between 2000 and 2010? 50%
What proportion of older adults live close to at least one of their children? ~2/3, leading to more contact.
What is the meaning of "Proximity increases with age"? Aging adults tend to move in direction of kin and children tend to move in direction of their aging parents.
What age group do people become more appreciative of their parents: young adulthood, middle adulthood, or late adulthood? Middle adulthood
Are men or women more likely to form close and supportive relationships with aging parents? What is happening to this trend? Women are more likely; however, this gender difference may be declining.
True/False: Emotionally distant parent-child relationships show that adult children will offer more support as parents age, out of a sense of altruism and family duty. True
What is Resource Expansion, which occurs in midlife? Midlife intergenerational assistance of family members increase needs, these are manageable experiences that are high quality.
What percentage of adult children provide unpaid care to aging adults? ~25% of adult children
What is the Sandwich generation? Middle-aged adults, who must care for multiple generations above and below them at the same time.
In all ethnic groups, on which children does the responsibility for providing care to aging parents fall? Falls more on daughters than on sons.
What proportions of Baby Boomer female workers are caregivers? ~1/4
True/False: As adults move from early to later middle age, the sex differences in parental caregiving declines. True
What percentage of caregivers share a household with ill parents? (Experience the most stress) ~23% of adult children
What is the greatest source of stress for caregivers of parents who have deteriorated mental capacities? Problem behaviour
True/False: Parental caregiving often has emotional, physical, and financial consequences. True
Parental caregiving leads to role overload, high job absenteeism, exhaustion, inability to concentrate, feelings of hostility and anxiety about aging, and high rates of depression. What sex do these affect more frequently? Women more than men.
What are 4 ways to relieve stress of caregiving? Effective coping strategies. Social support. Community resources. Workplace/public policies that aid caregivers.
True/False: Large samples of Americans show that sibling contact and support decline after puberty, rebounding only after age 50 for those in close proximity. False (Declines from early to middle adulthood, rebounding after age 70 for siblings in close proximity)
True/False: In industrialized nations, sibling relationships are voluntary, whereas in village societies, they are generally involuntary. True
True/False: At all ages, men's friendships are less intimate than women's friendships. True
When does the number of friends decline for both sexes? From middle to late adulthood.
Do men or women report a greater number of close friends? Women
For older adults, what purpose do family relationships serve? What about friendships? Family relationships serve as more of a security with a long-term timeframe. Friendships serve for pleasure and satisfaction.
What are the 3 negative stereotypes of aging hinder older workers in the workplace? 1. Limited learning capacity. 2. Slower decision making. 3. Resistance to change and supervision.
True/False: Job satisfaction increase in midlife and is stronger for women than for men. False (Weaker for women than for men)
Why do work experience a weaker sense of job satisfaction than men? Their reduced chances for advancement, which results in a sense of unfairness.
True/False: Intrinsic satisfaction with work rises in middle adulthood due to improved capacity to cope effectively with difficult situations and broader time perspective. True
True/False: Extrinsic satisfaction - contentment with supervision, pay, and promotions - changes drastically in middle adulthood. False (Changes very little)
Burnout is a condition in which long-term job stress cause mental exhaustion, sense of loss of personal control, and feeling of reduced accomplishment. What type of jobs more likely cause burnout? High emotionally-demanding jobs. (ex. health care)
Where is burnout more likely to occur: Western Europe or America? America
True/False: Older employees depend more on coworker and supervisor encouragement for vocational development. True
What type of work environment can allow mature employees to participate more in further education, and have higher self-efficacy? A more favourable "Age Climate" (view of older adults).
True/False: Inequalities in promotions between men and women, whites and blacks become more pronounced over time. True
What percentage of CEOs at larger organizations are white men? 70%
What is the Glass Ceiling? An "invisible" barrier to advancement up the corporate ladder that women and ethnic minorities face.
What is the current age of retirement? When are the Baby Boomers expected to retire relative to the age of retirement? Age 63 in US (60-63 in other Western nations). Baby Boomers are expected to retire later than the current age of retirement.
Which has a greater impact on happiness after retirement: plans for an active life or financial planning? Plans for an active life
True/False: Women do less retirement planning because they rely on their husbands. True
What proportion of ethnic minorities live in cities in US? Caucasians? 1/2 of ethnic minority and 1/3 of Caucasians.
True/False: Inner-city folks are better off in public transit, health, income, and proximity of social services and cultural activities than the 1/5 of rural and small town older adults. True
True/False: Both urban and rural older adults report greater life satisfaction when many senior citizens reside in close proximity. True
What is seniors' housing preference? Aging in place (remaining in a familiar setting with control over their everyday life).
What percentage of older adults remain in or near their old home in US? Relocate to other communities? 90% remain at or near home, while ~4% relocate to other communities.
Which theory explains that as the home is the site of memorable life events, it strengthens continuity with the past, sustaining a sense of identity in the face of physical declines and social losses? Continuity theory
What percentage of US older adults live alone? How about those age 85+? ~30% of seniors and 50% of seniors age 85+.
What percentage of seniors who live alone are poverty-stricken? What percentage are widowed women? Over 40% are poverty-stricken, 70% of which are widowed women.
True/False: Poverty among lone aging women is deeper in the US due to lower wages and less jobs. False (Due to less generous government-sponsored income and health benefits)
What is the difference between homes in residential communities and ordinary homes? They have been modified to suit older adults' capacities.
True/False: The percentage of older adults in residential communities decreases with age from 22% age 65+ to 7% age 85+. False (rise with age: 7% age 65+ to 22% age 85+)
What type of housing provides a variety of support services, including meals in a common dining room along with watchful oversight of residents with physical and mental disabilities? Congregate housing
What are the communities that offer a range of housing alternatives from independent or congregate housing to full nursing home care? Life-care communities
How do residential communities have positive effects on physical and mental health of seniors? By sustaining an effective person-environment fit.
True/False: Shared values and goals among residents with similar backgrounds enhance life satisfaction in residential communities. True (Those who lack like-minded companions are at high risk for loneliness and depression)
What percentage of Americans age 65+ in nursing homes experience the most extreme restriction of autonomy and social integration? 5%
What is the common adaptive response to overcrowded, hospital-like settings of nursing homes? Social withdrawal
True/False: Nursing home residents with physical, but not mental impairments are far less likely to be depressed, anxious, and lonely than seniors in communities. False (Far more depressed, anxious, and lonely)
What is the model for a nursing home in Mississippi involved 10 small houses with 10 or less residents with their own private bed-bath suites and a family-style communal space? Green House model
An influential model of changes in our social networks as we move through life. Social convoy
What proportion of first marriages are expected to last at least 50 years? 1 in every 4/5 first marriages.
When does marital satisfaction reach its peak? From middle to late adulthood.
True/False: Married seniors generally have larger social networks of both family members and friends, which provide for social engagement and support and are linked to higher psychological well-being. True
Most older gay and lesbians in long-term partnerships report happy and highly fulfilling relationships. What is the most important source of social support? Their partner
True/False: Less than 5% of all US divorces are couple in late adulthood, but the divorce rate among people 65+ has increased over the past 3 decades. True
What proportion of older adults' dissolving marriage are of less tan 10 years duration? How many are lengthy (30+ years)? 1/5 are less than 10 years duration and 1/2 are lengthy.
True/False: Similar to middle adulthood, aging men are more likely than women to initiate divorce. False (Aging women are more likely to initiate divorce)
What is the general trend for remarriage rates with age? What trend does the divorce rate follow for remarriages? The trend for remarriage is that it declines with age. Divorce rate is lower with remarriages.
True/False: Rather than remarrying, seniors in a new relationship are increasingly choosing cohabitation as an alternative to marriage. True
True/False: The role of spouse is potentially one of the most pervasive, intense, intimate, and personal roles. True
What are percentages of women who are widows and men who are widowed age 65+ in US? >40% of women and just 13% of men.
What aspect of aging adults allow them to more favourably adjust to widowhood? Sense of self-efficacy in handling tasks of daily living.
Men show more physical and mental health problems, and greater risk of mortality than women. What are the 3 reasons? 1. Most men rely on their wives for social connectedness, household tasks, healthy behaviours, and coping with stressors. 2. Men feel less free to express emotion or ask for help due to gender roles. 3. Men tend to be less involved in religious activities.
Women's kin-keeper and ability to form close friendships may lead to.... feeling less need to remarry.
True/False: Non-married seniors speak of extended family and younger people in their social networks as being central. True
Are never-married, childless men or women more likely to feel lonely and depressed? Men
Nearly 80% of Americans age 65+ have at least one living sibling. Which sibling do both men and women describe having closer bonds with? Sisters
What is an especially strong predictor of mental health among seniors? Having friends.
What are the 4 functions of late-life friendships? 1. Intimacy and companionship. 2. A shield against negative stereotypes of aging. 3. A link to the larger community. 4. Protection from psychological consequences of loss.
True/False: Seniors report that their closest friends are those who live in the same community, but as they grow older, they report having more intergenerational friend? True (As their age-mates die)
Which sex is more likely to have intimate friends? Women (men depend more on their wives and, to a lesser extent, on their sisters for warm, open communication).
What are secondary friends? People who are not intimates, but with whom they spend time occasionally. (ex. groups that meet for lunch, bridge, or museum tours)
True/False: As parents enter middle adulthood, parent-to-child help declines and child-to-parent assistance increases. True
Is quantity or quality of interactions with children more important for older adults' life satisfaction? Quality of interactions
Which circumstance contradicts the stereotype that older adults are 'burdens' on younger generations? Seniors in Western nations give more than they receive, especially in financial support, but also in practical assistance.
What form is aid from adult children usually? Emotional support
Why do older people usually not seek their children's practical assistance? To avoid dependency.
What percentage of US seniors report that they were targets of elder maltreatment in the past month? 7-10% (3-4 million victims)
Why is elder maltreatment rare in Asian, Hispanic, and Native-American groups? They have strong traditions of respect for and obligation to their elders.
Elder maltreatment: Intentional infliction of pain, discomfort, or injury through hitting, cutting, burning, physical force, restraint, sexual assault, and other acts. Physical abuse
Elder maltreatment: Intentional or unintentional failure to fulfill caregiving obligations, resulting in lack of food, medication, or health services or in the older person being left alone or isolated. Physical neglect
Elder maltreatment: Verbal assaults, humiliation, and intimidations. Emotional abuse
Elder maltreatment: Unwanted sexual contact of any kind. Sexual abuse
Illegal or improper exploitation of the aging person's property or financial reserves through theft or use without consent. Financial abuse
What are the 3 most frequently reported types of elder maltreatment? Financial abuse Emotional abuse Physical neglect
Who is the likely source of elder maltreatment? A person who the older adult trusts and depends on for care and assistance. (Most abusers are family members - usually male spouses then children then other relatives)
What percentage of caregivers admit to having committed at least one act of elder maltreatment in the past year? 6-40%
What is 'Granny dumping'? Abandonment of older adults with severe disabilities by family caregivers, usually at hospital emergency rooms.
What are the 5 risk factors for elder maltreatment? 1. Dependency of victim. 2. Dependency of perpetrator. 3. Psychological disturbance and stress of perpetrator. 4. History of family violence. 5. Poor institutional conditions.
What offers the best protection when elder abuse is extreme? Legal action (though many are reluctant to initiate court procedures).
Majority of Baby Boomers want to work longer. What percentage of US adults age 65-69 and those in their seventies are still working in some capacity? 40% age 65-69 and 20% in their seventies.
True/False: The majority of US older adults with career jobs retire gradually by cutting down their hours and responsibilities. True
What are bridge jobs? New part-time or full-time jobs of shorter durations that serve as transition between full-time career and retirement.
What is usually the first consideration in the decision to retire? Affordability of retirement.
True/False: Many pre-retirees decide to let go of a steady work life in favour of alternative, personally meaningful work, leisure, or volunteer activities. True
What percentage of retirees mention some adjustment difficulties? 10-30%
What is a good predictor of stress following retirement? Workplace factors (especially financial worries and having to give up one's job).
What is strongly linked to retirement satisfaction? A sense of personal control over life events.
Who is more likely to adjust favourably to retirement? Well-educated people with complex jobs.
What promotes adjustment to retirement and is allowed greater freedom in retirement? A good marriage.
True/False: Volunteer service is related to better physical and mental health and reduced mortality. True
What proportion of 60-70 year olds in industrialized nations report volunteering? How many hours per year do over half of these people volunteer? 1/3 of 60-70 year olds; half of which volunteer 200+ hours per year.
What theory is in accordance with older adults eventually narrowed their volunteering to fewer roles, focusing on one or two that meant the most to them? Socioemotional selectivity theory
When do people age optimally? When their growth, vitality, and striving limit and, at times, overcome physical, cognitive, and social declines.
True/False: Uncontrollable factors far outweighed the factors people could control to some degree in predicting a happy, active old age. False (Controllable factors far outweigh uncontrollable factors)
What are the physical milestones of 65-80 year olds? Performance of autonomic nervous system declines, vision declines, hearing declines, sensitivity to taste and odour declines, touch sensitivity declines, cardiovascular and respiratory functioning declines, increased risk of illnesses, graying/thinning hair, skin wrinkles, height and weight decline, bone mass loss, and frequency and intensity of sexual activity decline.
What are the cognitive milestones of 65-80 year olds? Processing speed declines, crystallized intelligence is sustained, attention declines, working memory and memory retrieval decline, use of external aids for prospective memory increases, retrieving long-term memory becomes more difficult, hypothetical problem-solving declines and everyday problem-solving remains adaptive, may develop wisdom, and training can improve cognitive skills.
What are the emotional/social milestones of 65-80 year olds? Come to terms with life and develop ego integrity, basic info-processing diminishes, optimization increases, self-concept strengthens, acceptance of change increases, spirituality and faith may increase to a higher level, social network and interaction decline, marital satisfaction increases, may be widowed, friendships increase in importance, may retire, increased involvement in leisure and volunteering, and more likely to be knowledgeable about politics and to vote.
What are the physical milestones for 80 year olds? Previous milestones, plus diminished mobility due to decline in muscle and bone strength and joint flexibility.
What are the cognitive milestones for 80 years olds? Previous milestones, plus fluid abilities declines further and a modest drop in crystallized abilities.
What are the emotional/social milestones for 80 year olds? Previous milestones, plus may develop gerotranscendence (cosmic perspective directed beyond the self), relationships with adult children become more important, and frequency/variety of leisure and volunteer activities decline slightly.
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