
Paola Abad
Fichas por Paola Abad, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Paola Abad
Creado por Paola Abad hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
I use my bike when i have to got the store and i have to do it quicly
I love doing my favorite thing which is cooking
I love going out with my friend in the evenings
My favorite game is jenga for the bloks
This is my new laptop is just bought it.
My mother favorite necklace has sea pearls
I bring a present to my friend for his birthday
I like my friend`s new smartphone because of her camera
I usually swipe my window when rain because the cold comes in
At night I use the switch off to turn on the lights
I do not like tablets because they are too big to keep them
I knew I was late when I looked at my watch
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