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Amendment A national law that can't be change unless you add another amendment on top of it
Assimilate to make another person or group of people to become part of a different society
Bias a tendency to believe that some people, or ideas, are better than others
Bicameral having two parts
Blockade To stop supplies from entering or leaving
Boomtown A town that experiences a sudden growth in business
Capitalism A political system in which a country's trade are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state or government
Captain of Industry A ingenious leader who transformed the American economy with his business skills
Checks and Balances Typically those ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of individuals or groups.
Congress A national body of a country.
Due process of law fair treatment through the normal court system
Economics The growth of wealth in a local city or state
Emancipated To be free from control or power over another
Enfranchise Give the right to vote
Enumerated Rules that are not stated/listed
Federalism When power is handed down from the national government to the state and local governments
Forty-niners A prospector during the California gold rush
Free enterprise Allows private businesses to be operated in competition
Habeas Corpus the legal right to a judge
Industry Activity concerned with the processing of raw material
Judicial The branch charged with interoperating the laws
Ku Klux Klan A group of who supports white supremacy
Manifest Destiny Americans god given right to move westward
Martyr Someone who is killed because of their religious beliefs
Monopoly Exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade
Nomadic Always moving around, or in other words not staying in 1 area for long
Override to reject or cancel
Popular Sovereignty Theory that the government is created by and subject to the will of the people
Ratify To give formal consent
Radical Extreme
Republican government made up of representatives who are elected by the people
Robber Baron A capitalist who acquired a fortune by ruthless means
Rural Country side
Separation of Powers Having the Judicial, Executive, and legislative branches separate instead of just one
Social Darwinism Theory that only the bigger stronger smarter ones will survive, or the ones who can adapt the most
Suffrage The right to vote in political elections
Supreme Court The highest federal court in the U.S.A.
Tariff A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports
Taxation without representation A slogan during the revolutionary war since they had no political leader to represent them
Trade Union to bargain with fair wages, and better working conditions
Urban The populated city
Veto Constitutional right to reject a decision
Thomas Jefferson Was a young political leader who helped draft the Declaration of independence. Then was named governor of Virginia for 2 years, until he was sent to France to help with difficult negotiations. Then he was chosen to be first secretary of state, while later becoming Vice president.
Andrew Jackson Became the first common man president. Gained loyalty and trust from all southern states. Fought Spain for Florida and won and was known as a war hero of 1812.
Sacagawea At a young age she was captured and then sold into a fur trader possession. Then she was told to go on an expedition with him and the Lewis and Clark group. Without pay she helped the group more than once from saving their lives to saving research that they had gathered.
James K. Polk Started studying law officially during the panic of 1819. Then selected to the position of State legislature and started supporting Andrew Jackson. Then a few years later he would become president and gain us the most land a president has ever gained
Fredrick Douglass He was a former slave who would be sent to the city on multiple occasions. He would also learn to read and write there by tricking boys to help him out. Then he would eventually escape to the North and becomes an abolitionist as a writer and a orator.
Harriet Beecher Stowe After seeing the horror she joined a literacy club in Cincinnati. At the age of 22 Harriet visited a slave plantation across the Ohio river. After a visit to a slave plantation in Kentucky she developed her best work yet Uncle Tom's Cabin. The book was an instant best seller to the northern states.
John Brown He was a Radical Abolitionist who believed that violence was the only option to overthrow of the slavery system. During bleeding Kansas John Brown and his sons lead attacks on pro-slavery. His actions were thought justified by gods will.
Robert E. Lee He was a graduate from west point along with many others. He also like many others sided with his state so he fought for the south. He won many battles for the south until Ulysses S. Grant beat him in battle which lead to the defeat of the Southern states.
Andrew Johnson He was former Vise President of the U.S.A. until Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. So Andrew took over and made lots of mistakes after the civil war dealing with slavery and the south. He was also nicknamed the "VETO" president for every time he vetoed something that dealt with slavery.
Susan B. Anthony She devoted her life to not only fighting for women's equality but for the equality of all people. Spent most of her adult life speaking about equal rights to the country. Was the first women to be print on to U.S. money.
Sitting Bull Sitting bull was Chief under whom the Sioux tribes united. After the discovery of gold the Native Americans came into increased conflict with the U.S. He was not a war leader, but he had predicted that many soldiers would fall during the battle of little bighorn.
George Custer Was a German immigrant that at the age of 23 became a General. He had fought in 8 different battles and 6 of them were during the civil war era. There was one that made him pretty popular though, and that one was Battle of Little Bighorn were he beat Sitting Bull in battle.
Cornelius Vanderbilt He started off as a fairy belt, which helped take people to California for the gold rush. He then thought railroads would be the next big thing so he bought 2 of them. He also with his money endowed 1 million dollars into a school trusting it would succeed in teaching young minds.
John Rockefeller He didn't start out rich, but he became rich after a few shady things, and lots of hard work. Though he did do his share of being kind, for instance he donated lots of money into Churches, schools, and to medical research.
Andrew Carnegie He started off dirt poor, but over came that and became very rich. He got his start in Pennsylvania were he bought his first factory in which he was to make steel in. He would buy and share railroads with his fortune. He also built thousands of libraries across the country, same with hospitals, churches, and universities.
Lexington and Concord
Erie Canal
The Alamo
Harper's Ferry
Fort Sumter
Appomattox Courthouse
Ford's Theater
Promontory point, Utah
Ellis Island and Angel Island
Declaration of Independence This document gave us the right to be free from the British Empire. It allowed us to make up our own political ideas, and gave us our freedom from being ruled.
Revolutionary War This is when the Colonies came together to help defeat the British empire and gain their freedom and land.
Articles of Confederation This was the Constitution first stepping stone. It was to help bring unity to the 13 colonies. It did hold the country together for a while until we had the constitution up and running.
Great Compromise This was a decision made to split the two houses so there would be a balance in between them.
Passing of the Constitution Provides the structure for the government of the United States. It also creates things like the Presidency, the Congress, and the Supreme Court.
Adding the Bill of Rights Fears raised by the Anti-Federalists during the creation of the Constitution. That the Constitution did not provide enough protection against abuses of power by the government.
Louisiana Purchase This gave us the opportunity to sell goods, and trade at sea because of New Orleans. While the rest of the land gave us new knowledge of what is out there and if that area was inhabited.
Missouri compromise It prohibited slavery in the former Louisiana Territory north of the parallel line, except within the boundaries of the state of Missouri.
Indian Removal Act This is when Andrew Jackson talked through letter acting like they were little children need care and attention, while also addressing them as savages.
Mexican- American War This is during the time James K. Polk was still president gaining land like there was no tomorrow. This war helped us gain the part of Texas they wanted and also got them desserts and part of other states.
California Gold Rush This time period was the birth of a great economic era. This made Thousands rich off of them harvesting gold through water or mining. It also help some store owners gain quite the profit.
Homestead Act It allowed people to get land west of the Mississippi River and, it helped to expand and develop the United States because it gave land for agriculture to settle it.
Industrial Revolution This was the age of machines and factories. Machines did the job faster so instead of making things anymore, we just keep up on the maintenance. This also gave the North the advantage when it came to weapon making and clothing making.
Underground railroad This was an escape route that helped slaves who where running away from their master to start a new life in the north.
Seneca Falls Convention The women's rights movement began. They demanded equal social status and legal rights for women, including the right to vote.
Compromise of 1850 The south was had tougher fugitive slave laws, the north gained a new free state, California. Texas lost territory but was given 10 million dollars to pay for its debt. Slave trade was prohibited in Washington DC, but slavery was not. Slavery was not restricted in the territories of Utah and New Mexico.
Kansas- Nebraska act It allowed people in the states of Kansas and Nebraska to decide by themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their state.
Dred Scott vs. Sanford This declared that slaves were not citizens of the United States and could not sue in Federal courts.
Fugitive Slave Act Allowed for the capture and return of runaway slaves within the territory of the United States.
Bleeding Kansas The crisis really pushed the North and South apart and had a great deal to do with causing the Civil War.
Civil War This was to help bring back the southern succeeding states back into the Union. It was also to get rid of slavery all together, so no one would do it again.
Emancipation Proclamation Said that that all people held as slaves within the enemy states are, and for now on shall be free.
Civil War Draft Riots This was when the people up North started harassing the rich, and saying stuff like can you daddy get me out of the Civil War and so on. They also beat up free Black African Americans since the are the cause of all this trouble.
Gettysburg Address Gettysburg Address given by Abraham Lincoln in honor of the soldiers who fought to help the Union. It also gave the North a big boast of confidence that they would need to win the next 2 big fights.
Reconstruction Was the push to secure rights for former slaves. Radical Republicans, aware that newly freed slaves would face racism, passed a series of laws and amendments in Congress that protected blacks' rights under the constitutional law.
Civil War Amendments (13,14,15) It was designed to ensure equality for recently emancipated slaves. It also had burdened the ex-slaves down south because a lot of them were beat or killed.
Completion of Transcontinental Railroad Since the railroad is done the abundant resources of the West could be shipped quickly and to eastern markets, greatly helping the development of the western economy.
Indian War These wars usually got America what it wanted. That was land, and because we kicked them off their land and sent them to reservation we gained more than we lost overall.
Gilded Age After the Civil war we were not broke, but instead we were getting an economic boom. This was the result of two things, one of them is factories, and the other is the Railroads.
Populist Party It was a revolt by farmers in the South and Midwest against the Democratic and Republican Parties for ignoring their interests and rights.
Plessy vs. Ferguson State laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal".
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