History - Treaty of Versailles


History flashcards on Treaty of Versailles
Fichas por suhhyun98, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por suhhyun98 hace más de 9 años

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Treaty of Versailles (Background information) - It was signed on 28th June 1919. -It was controlled by the 'Big Three': Georges Clemenceau (France), David Lloyd George (Great Britain) and Woodrow Wilson (USA). -It was to decide what to do with Germany as they were a big threat to them at the moment and was too strong.
Georges Clemenceau - France -As most of the battles were taken place in France, 3/4 of the people's home were destroyed. Farming lands were damaged, there were still unexploded shells. -He blamed Germany for everything, including the cause of the war. -He wanted Alsace-Lorraine back -He wanted to take away lands and money out of Germany to weaken them. -2/3 of men who served were killed/injured.
David Lloyd George - Great Britain -They lost nearly a million soldiers but not serious damage at homes. They were heavily in debt. -He wanted to weaken their power by taking away their navy and its colonies. -However, he did not want to punish Germany to harshly as he wanted to trade with Germany therefore needed Germany to recover abit.
Woodrow Wilson - USA -Not seriously damaged as they were joined later. -He wanted a safer world for democracy, 'lasting-peace' and self-determination. -Made up 14 points for Germany to follow however not all were followed through. (look at notes for 14 points)
Final decisions for Germany -had to pay 6.6 billion pounds -War Guilt - Clause 231 (had to accept that they started the war) -Germany lost 10% of their land, this included 12.5% of their population, 16% of their coalfield and half of their steel and Iron industries. -Alsace-Lorraine was given back to France -not allowed to join League of Nation
Final Decisions for Germany (2) -Upper Silesia was given to Poland -Saar coalfield was given to France for 15 years -Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria (Anschluss). -No tanks, aircraft, submarine, conscription -only 6 battleships -only 100,000 men for soldiers -Rhineland had to be demilitarised
It was justifiable/fair -Lands go back to original owners (e.g Alsace-Lorraine) -Many wanted harsher punishments -Germany was caused the most trouble.
It was unjustifiable/unfair -Too small army for such a big country (no sense of protectiveness, could feel threatened) -The loss of their industries and lands affected them a lot economically -Not enough soldiers for defence
Paris Peace Conference -It lasted for 12 months -Germany was handled by the Big Three -The Big Three were supported by diplomats and expert advisers, but the Big Three often ignored their advice. -32 nations were supposed to be represented, but no one from the defeated countries was invited.
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