hace más de 4 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
Annual Population Growth Rate | The rate a population is increasing every year. |
Census | A questionnaire to find the population of a country, as well as certain contrasting statistical information about that population. |
Crude Birth Rate | The average number of births per thousand people per year, which is usually computed as a ratio. |
Crude Death Rate | The average number of deaths per thousand people per year, which is usually computed as a ratio. |
Demographic Transition Model | The contrast between CBR and CDR thus insinuating the use of advanced medicines and contraceptives, for instance the economic fluctuation of their financial institutions hence they're not able to provide them with their medical necessities. |
Density | The number of people condensed in an area. |
Distribution | The way in which people are spread across a given area. |
Emigration | When people leave a country with the intent to settle permanently in another. |
Immigration | When people enter a country with the intent to settle permanently there. |
Infant Mortality | The number of children out of every thousand born alive who pass aged less than one year old. |
Life Expectancy | The expected number of years of life, for instance in Egypt it's 71.66 years as of 2017 |
Migration | The movement of people from a certain place to another, it comes in contrasting forms: there's even animal migration! |
Natural Increase | The natural increase is the contrast between the number of births and the number of deaths recorded over a period. |
Population Policies | The practice of artificially altering the rate of population growth. |
Population Pyramid | A 'population pyramid' is a graphical illustration that shows the constant distribution of various age groups in a population. |
Population Structure | 'Population Structure' is the composition of a population and how the population is divided up between males and females. |
Pull Factors | The conditions that are favourable and attract a person to an area. |
Push Factors | Conditions that are unfavourable and force a person away from an area. |
Refugee | A person who is outside of their home country ascribable to migration thus insinuating that they most probably had to in order to escape natural disasters and/ or persecution. |
Zero Population Increase | When the CBR and the CDR aren't contrasting. |
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