Clinical Psychology


Undergraduate PSYCH108 Fichas sobre Clinical Psychology, creado por cammyluk el 06/06/2015.
Fichas por cammyluk, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por cammyluk hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Anxiety generalised feeling of fear and apprehension that may be related to a particular situation or object and is often companied by increased physiological arousal (e.g. heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, dizziness, muscle tension)
Anxiety disorder characterised by extreme fear (a response to external stimulus) and extreme anxiety ( a vague but persistent sense of dread when not up with the stimulus)
Specific phobia focused on a specific object/ situation fear + avoidance excessive and disproportionate in relation to the feared stimulus Fear occurs in presence of the stimulus or when anticipating it, despite an intellectual recognition that the fear is unreasonable
Example of specific phobia Phobia about blood: One may faint when seeing blood, and may avoid getting appropriate treatment for medical problems
Agrophobia Fear and avoidance of being alone in a place where escape may be difficult or embarrassing. - causes significant level or distress or impairment - Treatment: graded exposure and relaxation
Social phobia - Fear of one or more situations that might result in public embarrassment or humiliation + negative evaluation - Individuals either avoid these situations or endure them in sig. distress - Often cooccur with substance related disorders; because it provides self-communication, and positive reinforcement - Example: avoid eating, speaking or performing in public, or using public toilets or dressing rooms
Panic Attack - abrupt surge of intense fear - reaches peak within the first few minutes of attack - accompanied by symptoms including palpitations, breathing difficulties, sweating, fear of losing control - thus changes aspects of life in hopes of avoiding them
Panic Disorder - frequent, unexpected panic attacks - persistent concern about future panic attacks and maladaptive change in behaviours thus change aspects of life in hopes of avoiding them - avoid any activities that may lead to panic attacks (e.g. walking the stairs)
Generalised Anxiety Disorder - constant and excessive anxiety - worry about things in general (health, work, achievement) - symptoms > 6 months - symptoms: restlessness, difficulty concentrating, easily being fatigued, muscle tension, sleep disturbance - worrying about things in the future
GAD Treatment CBT Progressive muscle relaxation Medication
Type I worry specific worries e.g. worry about losing a job, worry about being made redundant
Type II worry Meta worries: worry about the worries; worry that one might lose control because he worries too much - what psychologists aim to work with - deal with through scheduling specific worry time
Psychosis - inability to perceive and comprehend events accurately - lack of reality testing - fail to distinguish between personal subjective world and external reality world - accompanied with disorganized motor behaviours Key features: delusions, hallucinations, disorganised thinking patterns, negative symptoms
Delusion - fixed, false beliefs - variety of themes: persecution, referential, grandiose, erotomania - clearly implausible or non-bizarre
Delusions - persecution "they" are coming to get me e.g. "Russians are trying me to poison me with radioactive particles delivered through my tap water"
Delusions - referential - neutral event is believed to have a specific meaning e.g. a person believing a celebrity's message is specifically meant for them
Delusions - Grandiose one believes that he/she is famous or an important figure e.g. Jesus Christ
Delusions - erotomanic belief in another person is in love with him/her
Hallucination experience involving the apparent perception of something not present - any sensory modality: auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory
Flat affect - negative symptom of schizophrenia - inability to initiate in goal-directed activities
avolition negative symptom of schizophrenia - inability to initiate in goal-directed activities
Vulnerability-stress model for a given disorder, there is both a predisposition to the disorder and specific stressors that combine to trigger the onset of the disorder
Psychosis treatment - CBT- regain sense of control - provide empathy - family therapy
Cochrane review of risperidone - anti-psychotic medication - marginal benefit although not clinically meaningful - negative effects: weight gain, constipation, insomnia
Personality disorder - long-standing, pervasive, and inflexible pattern of behaviours that deviate markedly from the individual's culture's expectations and leads to significant level of distress and impairment in functioning
Clusters of personality disorder - Odd/eccentric - Dramatic/erratic - Anxious/Fear
Borderline Personality Disorder - chronic fear of abandonment - instability in mood, self-image, and relationships -impulsive behaviors: gambling, excessive spending - tell you one minute they love you another minute they hate you - intense emotional disregulation
BPD causes - cooccur with mood disorders, bulimia disorder, substance abuse -> suggesting a genetic predisposition towards certain personality traits (impulsivity) - dysfunctional family environments: poor parental bonding, hostility - strong association between childhood sexual abuse and BPD
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