Form and Structure


Fichas sobre Form and Structure, creado por C Berthon el 23/10/2013.
C Berthon
Fichas por C Berthon, actualizado hace más de 1 año
C Berthon
Creado por C Berthon hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
what does 'structure' mean in music? the order of sections in a piece of music
what does repetition mean? repeating a note or section
what is a round? a song is sung by different groups starting at different times
what type of scale has five notes? pentatonic scale
what is an ostinato? a pattern of notes that keeps repeating
how many notes in an octave? eight
when we write music down it is called .. notation
a quarter note (blob with a stalk) crotchet
an 1/8 note (blob with stalk and tail) quaver
rhythms that are uneven are called.. dotted rhythms
make the music up as you go along improvise
staccato short and spiky notes
legato smooth notes
rondo form ABACADAEA
contrasting section a seection where the music feels different
dynamics loud and soft (volume)
tempo speed
a group of players ensemble
person who directs the performance conductor
empathy putting yourself in another musician's shoes (listening carefully)
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