fish of michigan


michigan fish
Ava Culakovski
Fichas por Ava Culakovski, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ava Culakovski
Creado por Ava Culakovski hace casi 4 años
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
black spot disease
heterosporis disease
dermal sarcoma disease
lymphosarcoma disease
muskie pox disease
black bullhead
brown bullhead
yellow bullhead
channel catfish
flathead catfish
tadpole madtom
freashwater drum
american eel
longnose gar
spotted gar
gizzard shad
native lamprey
h sea lamprey
h asian carp
h common carp
h hornyhead chub
h northern redbelly dace
h fathead minnow
h common shiner
h mooneye
h iowa darter
h johnny darter
h sauger
h walleye
j yellow perch
f grass pickerel
h muskellunge
h tiger muskie
h northern pike
h brook trout
g brown trout
d tiger trout
h lake trout
f siscowet
w splake
x rainbow trout
d chinook salmon
h coho salmon
h pink salmon
ed cisco
f lake whitefish
de motted sculpin
s brook silverside
d rainbow smelt
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