HSK 5下 "21-汉字叔叔:一个美国人的汉字情缘"


Tarjetas didácticas (flashcards) con las palabras nuevas de la unidad 21 del segundo libro (下) HSK 5 Standard course.
Fernanda Rubio
Fichas por Fernanda Rubio, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Fernanda Rubio
Creado por Fernanda Rubio hace más de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
qíngyuán (Noun) Predestined love, sentimental bond 情缘
luójí (Noun) Logic 逻辑
yìng (Adverbio) Rigidly, mechanically
sǐjì-yìngbèi To memorize mechanically without understanding 死记硬背
ǒurán (Adjective; Adverb) Accidental; by chance 偶然
yǎnbiàn (Verb) To change, to evolve 演变
yíhàn (Adjective; Noun) Regretful; deep regret 遗憾
xīnzàng (Noun) Heart 心脏
sīkǎo (Verb) To think deeply, to ponder 思考
zhuājǐn (Verb) To firmly grasp 抓紧
jǐnkuài (Adverb) As soon as possible 尽快
jīngdiǎn (Noun; Adjective) Classics; classical 经典
kù (Noun) Storehouse, bank
shūrù (Verb) To input 输入
yuándàn (Noun) New Year's Day 元旦
jíbìng (Noun) Disease, illness 疾病
chuàngbàn (Verb) To establish, to set up 创办
gōngkāi (Verb; Adjective) To make known to the public; open 公开
zuìchū (Noun) First, earliest 最初
tòngkǔ (Adjective) Painful, suffering 痛苦
wēibó (Noun) Microblog 微博
chēnghu (Verb; Noun) To call, to address; form of address 称呼
kèfú (Verb) To overcome, to conquer 克服
shōují (Verb) To collect, to gather 收集
bāohán (Verb) To contain, to include 包含
fántǐ (zì) (Noun) Complex form, traditional Chinese characters 繁体字
jiǎntǐ (zì) (Noun) Simplified form, simplified Chinese characters 简体字
fāngyán (Noun) Dialect 方言
chēngzàn (Verb) To praise, to commend 称赞
zhēnxiàng (Noun) Truth, fact 真相
pèifú (Verb) To admire 佩服
kāifàng (Verb) To open to the public 开放
xiàzài (Verb) To download 下载
dānwèi (Noun) Company, employer 单位
shíbié (Verb) To recognize, to identify 识别
cháxún (Verb) To search, to retrieve 查询
wùlǐ (Noun) Physics 物理
wánshàn (Verb; adjective) To make perfect, to improve; perfect 完善
tuì xiū (Verb) To retire 退休
rìchéng (Noun) Schedule 日程
zhuīqiú (Verb) To pursue, to go after 追求
mèngxiǎng (Noun; Verb) Dream; to dream 梦想
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