care A


introductory to care and foundation level flash cards 1
Fichas por sandra.mary.port, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por sandra.mary.port hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Ability Being able to do something
Access to get to
Active support to encourage individuals to do as much for themselves as possible
Adapt change
Allergy A bad reaction to something in the air or that has been eaten or touched the skin
Arthritis A medical condition frequently found in the elderly but can affect any age where An inflammation of the joints makes it difficult to move or bend
Asthma An illness that makes it difficult to breathe possibly brought on by an allergy
Body language The language of non-verbal communication; the messages we send with our body.
Bonding Forming an emotional attachment to a person
Bronchitis A disease of the lungs
Care plan A written document that outlines how the needs of an individual are to be met
Carer Anyone who provides care for another person or people
Confidentiality To keep secure and private information about service users
Direct care This is care that is given on a face-to-face basis
Discrimination The treatment of persons badly or less favourably because of assumptions about the group that they belong to. It is always based on fear and hate
Ethnicity The Social or cultural categories which people use to explain what race they are
Facial expression The face is an important source of non-verbal communication.
Family A social group made up of people who are related to each other
Gender The Social role associated with being male or female
Hygiene This is the principles and practice of cleanliness and health. It may involve different procedures and codes of practice to meet the different levels of hygiene expected in different care settings such as hospitals and schools
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