Well-being flashcards


Mr Ha Year 10 Geography - well-being revision flashcards.
Jeff Ha
Fichas por Jeff Ha, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jeff Ha
Creado por Jeff Ha hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Well-being the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy (made up of physical, mental and social well-being)
Birth rate (aka crude birth rate) the number of live births per thousand people, per year
Death rate the number of deaths per thousand people, per year
Infant mortality rate the ratio of the number of children that die within one year, per thousand live births
Literacy rate % of people in the country aged 15+ who can read and write
Life expectancy the number of years of life a person born today in that country is expected to live
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) the total dollar value of all goods and services produced in a particular country in one year
Human Development Index (HDI) an indicator that measures three elements of human development: - health is measured by life expectancy at birth. - knowledge is measured by the adult literacy rate and the combined primary, secondary, and tertiary enrolments. - standard of living is measured by GDP per capita.
Less economically developed countries (LEDC) aka "developing countries", usually with low wealth and low living standards (e.g. high birth rates, high death rates, low literacy rates) Examples: Most of central Africa, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Cambodia
More economically developed countries(MEDC) aka "developed countries", usually with high wealth and high living standards (e.g. high GDP, low infant mortality rates, high life expectancy) Examples: Australia, USA, UK, Scandinavian countries
Disease of affluence a disease that occurs mainly in wealthy, developed countries due to poor diet, inactivity and overconsumption (e.g. USA, Australia, Canada) Examples: obesity, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease
Disease of poverty a disease that occurs mainly in poor, developing countries due to lack of healthcare, sanitation and education (e.g. Sierra Leone, Bangladesh, Ghana) Examples: measles, malaria, tuberculosis
Incidence the number of new cases of a disease diagnosed in one year
Prevalence the total number of cases of a disease diagnosed
Mortality rate the number of deaths caused by a disease (usually measured over a year) e.g. in 2013, an estimated 584,000 people died of malaria
Morbidity rate a measure of how frequently a disease occurs in a population (including those people who survive the disease) e.g. the morbidity rate of malaria for children is higher than for adults
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