Glaciated Landscapes


Fichas sobre Glaciated Landscapes, creado por Amy Cowan el 28/08/2015.
Amy Cowan
Fichas por Amy Cowan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Amy Cowan
Creado por Amy Cowan hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Glaciation A time within an ice age when the average temperatures are cold enough for ice sheets to form.
Misfit Stream A small river occupying the floor of a u-shaped valley.
Erosion The wearing away of the landscape. - Plucking, abrasion & freeze-thaw weathering
Plucking A type of glacial erosion that occurs when ice freezes onto the landscape and when it moves, it rips out rocks.
Abrasion A type of glacial erosion that occurs when rock fragments frozen into the bottom of a glacier scrape and erode the valley floor.
Striations a series of ridges, furrows or linear mark
Freeze-thaw weathering When water enters cracks and freezes. Continuous freezing & thawing puts pressure on the rocks until small pieces of rock break off.
Scree A build up of broken rock fragments at the bottom of an upland area
Corrie A large hollow in the side of a mountain that was carved out by ice.
Hollow The dip in a mountain where snow and ice gather.
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