Idioms from USA


Fichas sobre Idioms from USA, creado por Emilia Olszewska el 06/09/2015.
Emilia Olszewska
Fichas por Emilia Olszewska, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Emilia Olszewska
Creado por Emilia Olszewska hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
clean as a whistle completely honest and legal
Let the cat out of the bag to reveal a secret or surprise by an accident
be born with a silver spoon in your mouth have advantages because you come form a rich family
burn the midnight oil to stay up working, especially studying, late at night
call a spade a spade to call something by its right name
get the wrong end of the stick understand something completely wrongly
rain cats and dogs to rain very hard
a leopard can't change its spots used for saying that someone wll never change their behavior or charakter
out of this world extremely good or impressive
turn over a new leaf change your life by starting to be a better person or stopping a bad habit
see eye to eye (with sb) agree with someone or have the same opinion as them
on good terms (with) have a good relationship with someone
not have a leg to stand on not have any way of proving that you are right about something
wet blanket a depressing person who spoils other people's enjoyment
kick youself to be annoyed because you missed an opportunity, have made a mistake
make (both) ends meet to earn and spend equal amounts of money
get on like a house on fire become a good friends very quickly and have a lot in common
the prime of life the best years of life
add fuel to the fire make a bad situation worst
for a song very cheaplly, for little money
worth its weight in gold very valuable
open a can of worms to create a situation that will cause trouble
to be as brown as a berry very suntanned
hit the books to study hard
full of beans lively, energetic
sail close to the wind to do something that is dangerous
no skin of my nose you don't care about something because it will not affect you (it is not your problem)
turn a blind eye to ignore something and pretend you don't see it
drive someone insane to annoy someone
where there's a will, there's a way if you truly want to do something, you will find a way to do it
the early bird catches the worm succes comes to thoes who prepare well and put in effort
give lip service to to say that you agree with and support an idea or plan but not do anything to help it to succeed
have a change of heart to change one's attitude or decision, usually from a negative to a positive position
out of the blue At a completely unexpected time
dead beat completely exhausted
at a low ebb in a ​bad or ​weak ​state
sell somebody down the river to do something which harms or disappoints someone who trusted you, in order to get an advantage for yourself
make a night of it to spend the entire evening or night doing something
have egg on one's face to be embarrassed by something one has done
upset the applecart to cause trouble, especially by spoiling someone's plans
have a second bite at the cherry another ​opportunity to do something
work against the clock to work very fast because you know you only have a limited period of time to do sth
to put something on the back burner to give something lower priority
teething troubles difficulties at the beginning of an activity
in deep water in serious trouble
on easy street free from difficulties
over the moon be happy
get cold feet be scared
have a bee in your bonnet be obsessed with sth
hopping mad very angry
put your best foot forward do your best
have other fish to fry have more important things to do
well and truly completely
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