Unit 03 _Good Personal Traits and Characteristics


College (Vocabulary) Languages - Unit 3: Getting to Know You Fichas sobre Unit 03 _Good Personal Traits and Characteristics, creado por SLS Indonesian el 29/12/2021.
SLS Indonesian
Fichas por SLS Indonesian, actualizado hace más de 1 año
SLS Indonesian
Creado por SLS Indonesian hace casi 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
sopan polite
sabar patient
ramah, supel friendly
ringan tangan helpful
karismatik charismatic
melindungi protective
rendah hati humble
rajin, giat dilligent
bekerja keras hard-working
teliti meticulous, pay attention to details
adil fair, just
pemaaf forgiving
bijaksana wise
pandai, pintar smart, intelligen
cekatan quick, agile
luwes flexible in nature, adaptable
bersahaja low-key
sederhana simple
simpatik sympathatic
mau mengerti understanding
setia loyal
tekun industrious
bersemangat full of spirits
peka, sensitif sensitive
jujur honest
teratur organized
kreatif creative
bisa bekerja sama can work together, team player
taat compliant, obedient
beragama religious
netral/tidak memihak neutral
tidak berpihak does not take sides
berani brave, courageous
antusias enthusiastic
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