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Creado por Laurence Schärli
hace más de 9 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
a year in development | einjährige Entwicklungsphase the period of twelve months during which something such as a new product or service is created |
approach | kontaktieren to speak to, write to, or visit another person or group in order to do something such as make a request or business agreement |
big player | wichtiger Akteur someone who has a lot of influence in an activity or organization |
break down | abbrechen, fehlschlagen If a system, relationship, or discussion breaks down, it fails because there is a problem or disagreement. |
budget allocation | Budgetzuweisung plan that shows the amount of money that an organisation is allowed to spend on particular things |
generic | allgemein shared by, typical of, or relating to a whole group of similar things, rather than to any particular thing |
market research | Marktforschung the collection and study of information about what people prefer to buy, how they react to advertising, and what other businesses in the same industry are doing |
marketing spend | Marketingausgaben the amount of money that is spent on encouraging people to buy a product or service |
pack | verpacken to put something into a container |
pitch | anpreisen to try to persuade someone to buy your products/services or choose you to do some work for them |
raise awareness R | aufmerksam machen auf to make people realise that something exists |
raise finance | Geld beschaffen to manage to get money to invest in a business, project, property, etc |
range | Sortiment a number of similar things considered as a group |
retail customer | Einzelhandelskunde a person who buys goods, rather than a store or other business |
set up a production facility | Fertigungsstätte errichten to arrange a new building or area where goods will be made |
strategy R | Strategie the way in which a business, government, or other organization carefully plans its actions over a period of time to improve its position and achieve what it wants |
supply chain | Lieferkette the system of people and organizations that are involved in getting a product from the place where it is made to customers |
transform the business | das Geschäft umstrukturieren to change completely the character of a particular company in order to improve it |
turning point R | Wendepunkt a time when a situation starts to change in an important way |
upmarket | hochwertig used to describe products and services that are of a high quality compared to others |
commercial edge | Wettbewerbsvorteil an advantage over the people or businesses who are competing with you |
control costs | Kosten überwachen to limit the amount of money that has to be spent in order to buy, do, or make something |
custom-built | maßgeschneidert If something is custom-built it is specially made for a particular buyer |
customised solution | maßgeschneiderte Lösung used to describe something that has been made to solve a customer's particular needs |
enhance | verbessern to improve the quality, amount, or value of something |
exhibit | ausstellen to show something publicly in a place such as a museum or trade show |
fee R | Gebühr an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service |
for hire | zur Miete something that can be used temporarily in exchange for money |
give you an edge over your competition | einen Wettbewerbsvorteil erbringen to give you an advantage over the people or businesses who are competing with you in a particular market |
guarantee R | gewährleisten to promise that something will happen or is true |
huge stock | riesiger Lagerbestand a large amount of goods that a store or business has for sale |
install | installieren to put furniture, a machine, or a piece of equipment into position and make it ready to use |
keen price | attraktiver Preis If prices are keen, they are lower and offer more value than others. |
legal requirement R | gesetzliche Anforderung a rule in law about something that it is necessary to have or to do |
liaise | zusammenarbeiten / sich austauschen mit to work with someone in order to exchange information with them |
make an impact | einen Eindruck machen to have a powerful effect on someone or something |
man the stand | Stand betreuen to work at a table or structure where someone can sell or advertise their products or services |
marketing advantage | Marketingvorteil an advantage over the people or businesses who are competing with you |
marketing solution | Marketinglösung a way of finding out what customers want, using that information to design products and services, and selling them effectively |
maximise visitor numbers | Besucherzahlen maximieren to make the amount of people who visit as big as possible |
monitor | überwachen to watch a situation carefully for a period of time in order to discover something about it |
mount | anbringen to fix something on a wall, in a frame etc., so that it can be viewed or used |
on a first-come-first-served basis R | wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst used to mean that people will receive something or be dealt with in the order in which they ask or arrive |
project management | Projektmanagement the activity of organizing and controlling a project |
ready-made equipment | gebrauchsfertige Ausrüstung the machinery, tools, etc. that you need to do a job in a finished form and available to use immediately |
registration | Registrierung when a name or information is recorded on an official list |
sales technique | Verkaufstechnik the ability to persuade people to buy a company's products or services |
trade event | Fachmesse a large event at which companies show and sell their products and try to increase their business |
win new business | neue Aufträge/Kunden gewinnen to succeed in getting more people or companies to buy your goods or services |
acquire | erwerben to get something |
anchor | (ver)ankern to make something or someone stay in one position |
blag R | schnorren (ugs.) manage to obtain something by using persuasion |
financial gain | finanzieller Vorteil with the purpose or aim of making money, rather than for any other reason |
give a discount R | Rabatt einräumen to offer a reduction in the usual price of a product or service |
give and take | beiderseitige Kompromissbereitschaft willingness to accept suggestions from another person and give up some of your own |
give up on the first reversal R | beim ersten Rückschlag aufgeben to stop doing something because of the first problem or failure in the process |
identify needs | Bedürfnisse identifizieren to find and be able to describe something that you must have to achieve a particular thing |
know their limits R | seine Grenzen kennen If someone knows their limits, they are aware of the greatest amount of something that is possible for them to do. |
make a profit R | einen Gewinn erzielen to earn money in trade or business, especially after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services |
novelty value R | Neuheitswert interesting because it has not been experienced before |
opening proposal | Eröffnungsvorschlag a formal suggestion, plan, or idea that comes near the beginning of something |
persistent | hartnäckig Someone who is persistent continues doing something or tries to do something in a determined way. |
place a repeat order R | nachbestellen to order the same thing that you have ordered before |
pushy R | aufdringlich behaving in an unpleasant way by trying too much to get something or to make someone do something |
trustworthy R | vertrauenswürdig able to be trusted |
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