Ways Of Burning


Javier Quintanilla
Fichas por Javier Quintanilla, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Javier Quintanilla
Creado por Javier Quintanilla hace más de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

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burn: be on fire. Help! My house is burning! burn: be on fire. Help! My house is burning!
catch fire: start burning. Help! My house has caught fire! catch fire: start burning. Help! My house has caught fire!
flicker: burn unsteadily. The candle flickered in the wind. flicker: burn unsteadily. The candle flickered in the wind.
smoulder: burn slowly without flames. The cigarette smouldered in the ashtray. smoulder: burn slowly without flames. The cigarette smouldered in the ashtray.
flare: burn brightly but unsteadily or briefly. The match flared in the darkness. flare: burn brightly but unsteadily or briefly. The match flared in the darkness.
flame: burn in flames. The fire flamed up when he put oil on it. flame: burn in flames. The fire flamed up when he put oil on it.
burst into flames: suddenly start to burn very strongly. The oil truck crashed and burst into flames. burst into flames: suddenly start to burn very strongly. The oil truck crashed and burst into flames.
blaze: burn brightly and fiercely. When the firemen arrived, the whole house was blazing. blaze: burn brightly and fiercely. When the firemen arrived, the whole house was blazing.
rage: burn very strongly. The fire raged through the forest for days. rage: burn very strongly. The fire raged through the forest for days.
incinerate: burn something completely to ashes. All the infected clothes were incinerated. incinerate: burn something completely to ashes. All the infected clothes were incinerated.
smoke: give out smoke. The fireplace smokes too much. smoke: give out smoke. The fireplace smokes too much.
brand: burn a mark on something. Cattle are usually brandred on big farms. brand: burn a mark on something. Cattle are usually brandred on big farms.
scorch: burn or discolour a surface by dry heat. She scorched my shirt when she was ironing it. scorch: burn or discolour a surface by dry heat. She scorched my shirt when she was ironing it.
sear: burn something with a sudden powerful heat. The heat seared his skin. sear: burn something with a sudden powerful heat. The heat seared his skin.
singe: burn the surface of something slightly. The flames had singed his hair. singe: burn the surface of something slightly. The flames had singed his hair.
char: burn something so that its outside becomes black. Roast the peppers until the skin begins to char. char: burn something so that its outside becomes black. Roast the peppers until the skin begins to char.
cremate: burn the body of a dead person at a funeral ceremony. Before a dead person is cremated, an authorization must be obtained. cremate: burn the body of a dead person at a funeral ceremony. Before a dead person is cremated, an authorization must be obtained.
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