Unit 05_Vocabulary for Prepositions and Directions - Sheet1


College (Vocabulary) Languages - Unit 5: Directions, Travel & Transportations Fichas sobre Unit 05_Vocabulary for Prepositions and Directions - Sheet1, creado por SLS Indonesian el 21/07/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Fichas por SLS Indonesian, actualizado hace más de 1 año
SLS Indonesian
Creado por SLS Indonesian hace más de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
ke to a place
dari from
jauh far
di antara between
di atas on top/above
di depan in front
di luar outside
di samping beside/next to
di sebelah kanan at the right side
di sini here
belok kiri turn left
terus go straight
barat west
timur east
terus lewat continue past
bundaran roundabout
dekat near/close
di bawah under
di belakang behind
di dalam inside
di sebelah alongside
di sebelah kiri at the left side
di sana there
sudut corner
belok kanan turn right
berhenti stop
sampai until
utara north
selatan south
di seberang across/opposite
tenggara southeast
di ujung jalan at the end of the road
pertigaan T intersection
perempatan intersection
di dalam inside
di atas above/on top
di sebelah utara to the north of
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