Unit 06_Cooking Terms - Sheet1


College (Vocabulary) Languages - Unit 6: Food and Celebration Fichas sobre Unit 06_Cooking Terms - Sheet1, creado por SLS Indonesian el 23/08/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Fichas por SLS Indonesian, actualizado hace más de 1 año
SLS Indonesian
Creado por SLS Indonesian hace alrededor de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Aduk to mix; stir
Aduklah adonan itu! Mix that dough!
Aduk(lah) sampai (me)rata! Mix it well! (Mix it smoothly).
Angkat to lift (up); to remove (e.g. from a stove)
Angkat(lah) panci dari atas api! Remove the pan from the stove (lit.'from the fire')
Ayak to sift
Tepungnya mesti diayak dulu. The flour must be sifted first.
Bakar to roast ; barbecue
Apa satenya sudah dibakar? Has the sate already been barbecued?
Beku frozen
Bekukan to Freeze (s.t.)
Makanan ini harus dibekukan. The food should be frozen.
Belah to split
Telur ini dibelah dua. These eggs should be cut in half.
Bikin to make
Bikin cair menteganya. Melt the butter.
Bikin halus kentangnya. Mash the potatoes.
Bikin manis or maniskan podingnya. Make the pudding sweet.
Bilas to rinse
Jangan lupa bilas piring-piringnya dengan air mendidih. Don't forget to rinse the dishes with boiling water.
Bumbui to season
Apa udangnya sudah dibumbui? Have the shrimps already been seasoned?
Bungkus to wrap
Bungkus sisa makanan itu dan taruh di lemari es. Wrap the left-over food and put it in the refrigerator.
Cair liquid; watery
Cairkan to melt
Cairkan mentega itu! Melt that butter.
Campur to mix
Campur sayuran ini dengan bumbunya! Mix these vegetables with the sauce (spices)!
Campuran mixture
Adonan ini dibikin dari campuran tepung, telur, dan mentega. This dough is made of flour, eggs, and butter.
Cetak to cut (cookies); put in mold
Cetaklah adonannya dengan cetakan ini. Shape (Cut) the dough with this (cookie) cutter.
Cetakan mold; cookie cutter
Saya mencari cetakan poding yang bagus. I'm looking for a nice pudding mold.
Didihkan to bring (liquid) to a boiling point.
Didihkan dulu airnya sebelum dibikin es! Boil the water first before (you) make ice.
Mendidih boiling
Air ini belum mendidih, jangan matikan apinya. This water is not boiling yet. Don't turn off the stove (lit. 'fire')
Giling to grind (meat); mill (rice)
Saya perlu 1 kilo daging giling. I need one kilogram of ground meat.
Gulung to roll (up)
Bagaimana cara (meng)gulung lumpia ini? How do you roll these eggrolls?
Goreng to fry
Goreng(lah) lumpia ini sampai kuning. Fry these eggrolls until (golden) yellow.
Ganti to substitute; replace
Kalau tidak ada cuka, ganti saja dengan air jeruk. If there's no vinegar, just substitute lemon (or lime) juice.
Gosok to rub
Gosok daging ini sama bawang putih! Rub this meat with garlic.
Hancur dissolved; crushed
Masak gula dalam air sampai hancur. Cook the sugar in water until dissolved.
Hancurkan to crush
Hancurkan esnya! crush the ice.
Hangus burn; singe
Hati-hati jangan sampai hangus masakannya. Be careful! Don't burn the food. (lit: the cooking)
Halus refined
Hidangkan to serve (food or drink)
Hidangkan ini dulu! Serve this one first.
Hangat warm; lukewarm
Airnya sudah hangat. The water is already warm.
Hangatkan to warm (up)
Tolong hangatkan makanan ini sebentar. Please warm this food for a minute.
Isi content; filling; stuffing
Isikan to fill; stuff
Iris to slice; a slice
Jernih clear (liquid)
Aduk poding ini sampai warnanya jernih. Stir the pudding until the color is clear.
Kental thick (liquid)
Ketel or Cerek kettle
Kocok to mix (eggs or batter)
Kompor stove
Kompor gas gas stove
Kompor listerik electric stove
Kompor minyak tanah kerosene stove
Kukus to steam
Kupas to peel
Kurangi to reduce
Lembek or Lunak soft; tender
Leper or ceper shallow (dish)
Lumuri to smear
Lumuri panci dengan mentega! Grease the pan with butter.
Masak to cook; cooked; done; ripe
Masak di bawah api! to broil.
Mangkok takar (takaran) measuring cup
Matang done; cooked; mature
Masukkan to put s.th. into s.th..
Mendidih boiling
Mentah raw
Naik to rise (dough)
Open oven
Panggang to bake; toast
Panci pan; pot
Panasi or Panaskan to heat up
Panasi sisa makanan! Heat up the leftover food.
Parut to grate; a grater
Pasang to install; put in place; assemble
Pedas (spicy)hot
Penggorengan frying pan or wok
Penuh full
Peras to press; squeeze
Piring plate; dish
Pisahkan to separate
Pisahkan kuning telur dari putihnya! Separate the egg-yolk from the white.
Pisau knife
Pisau roti bread knife
Potong to cut, a cut
Rata even
Rebus to boil
Rendam to soak
Rendam sayur-sayuran dalam air matang sama obat Clorox. Soak the vegetables in boiled water with Clorox.
Saos/saus sauce
Saring to strain; sieve; filter
Saringan strainer; sieve; filter.
Sendok spoon
Sendok makan tablespoon
Sendok teh or kecil teaspoon
Setengah Matang Half-cooked; medium rare; soft (eggs)
Taburi to sprinkle s.t.
Taburi dengan keju di atasnya! Sprinkle (with) cheese on top of it.
Takar to measure (volume)
Tambah to add, put in
Tambah bersama-sama! Add (put it in) all at once.
Tambah sedikit-sedikit! Add (it) little by little.
Tambah pelan-pelan! Put (it) in slowly.
Tambah ke bahan-bahan lain! Add (it) to the other ingredients!
Tangkai stalk; stem
Taruh to put
Taruh dalam lemari es or kulkas! Put (it) in the refrigerator.
Tebal thick (size)
Telur or Telor aduk scrambled eggs
Telur (telor) mata sapi fried sunny side-up
Telur (telor) rebus boiled egg
Telur (telor) rebus setengah matang soft boiled egg
Telur (telor) dadar omellete
Tempat bikin es (batu) freezer compartment
Timbang to weigh
Tipis thin (size)
Tuangkan to pour
Tumis to sautee
Tutupi to cover
Ukur to measure
Ukuran or berukuran measurement; having the measurements
Utuh whole
Wangi fragrant; to smell good
Tumis bumbu-bumbu ini sampai baunya wangi! Sautee these spices till they smell good!
Wadah (tempat) container
Wajan frying pan (a wok)
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