Germany: Key People


GCSE Old Germany GCSE NOT for Yr11 from 2017 onwards Fichas sobre Germany: Key People, creado por Tom Lea el 21/11/2013.
Tom Lea
Fichas por Tom Lea, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tom Lea
Creado por Tom Lea hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Ernst Rohm Leader of the SA Friend of Hitler Killed during purge of the SA - Night of Long Knives.
Hitler Leader of the Nazis Joined the party in 1919, leader in 1921.
Goebbels In charge of propaganda and censorship. Controlled all media including film, radio and newspapers
Hindenburg WWI General. Became President in 1925 (shows lack of support of Ger. People for democracy as he represented 'old' Ger. Disliked Hitler. Was persuaded by von Papen to make Hitler Chancellor. Died in 1934.
Von Papen A rival of von Scleicher, persuaded Hindenburg to make Hitler chancellor. Believed he could control him.
Himmler Head of the SS. In charge of the concentration camps and the Holocaust. Led the SS in the Night of the Long Knives
Goring Head of the Police in the early years of the Nazi regime. Used his power to arrest Communist leaders after the Reichstag Fire. Controlled the economy from 1937 onwards.
Schacht In charge of the economy from 1933-1937. Introduced the New Plan, his aim was to reduce unemployment and make Germany self sufficient
Pastor Niemoller An anti Nazi protestant minister. Helped set uo the confessional Church and preached anti Nazi sermons. Had been a U-boat commander in WWI so was respected. Sent to a concentration camp by the Nazis and held as 'personal prisoner of the Fuhrer'
Dietrich Bonhoeffer An anti-Nazi protestant minister. helped Niemoller set up the confessional church. preached anti Nazi sermons. Joined the Abwehr (resistance). In 'Operation 7' helped small number of Jews escape to Switzerland. Arrested and executed by SS in 1945
Hans and Sophie Scholl leading members of the White Rose, a student organisation set up to campaign against the Nazis. They were caught distributing anti Nazi leaflets in Munich University. Arrested and executed by guillotine.
Colonel von Stauffenberg An army colonel who initially supported the Nazis. He turned against them after seeing how brutally the Nazis treated the men (esp on eastern front). Led a plot to assassinate Hitler and get the army to take control. Failed - executed along with rest of plotters.
Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg Led the Spartacist Rising in 1919. Wanted to make Germany a communist country. Failed and were killed by the Freikorps.
Ebert The first president of Weimar Germany. Leader of the SDP (Social Democrats). Led coalitition govts and successfully survived the Spartacist Rising, Kapp Putsh and MBHP.
Charles Dawes American Banker. Helped set up the Dawes Plan in 1924. This leant huge sums of money to Germany to help rebuild their economy.
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