1st Vocabulary Flashcard


It contains 1-100 new vocabulary that I found.
Benediktus Alvito Christian
Fichas por Benediktus Alvito Christian, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Benediktus Alvito Christian
Creado por Benediktus Alvito Christian hace casi 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
IVORY "noun" hard white material made from elephant tusks; gading gajah -The loss of natural ivory could threaten traditional Japanese instruments.
COGNOSCENTI "noun" people with a lot of knowledge about a particular subject - It is for the cognoscenti who already know much of the story, not for the less well-informed.
ARCANE "adjective" known or understood by only a few; mysterious -He was the only person who understood all the arcane details of the agreement.
MISCHIEVOUS "adjective" causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way -Her mischievous blue eyes sought her father first then her grandmother.
MENOLOGY "noun" a record or account arranged in the order of a calendar -The Greeks placed her among the saints in their menology.
MELIORISM "noun" the belief that the world can be made better by human effort -Meliorism, the theory that there is in nature a tendency to better and better development.
FROLICSOME "adjective" full of merriment; playful -He found a beautiful animal with a frolicsome spirit.
ANDANTE "adverb" moderately slow and even -You've made a transition from the frolicsome allegretto to the bachelor to the heavy andante of the father of a family.
PROPHESY "verb" predict what will happen -The 2018 sci-fi film "Ready Player One" offers a glimpse of what many technology companies prophesy is the internet's next big thing.
CLANDESTINE "adjectice" secret; confidental -The group held weely clandestine meetings in a chruch.
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