PMP Executing, Monitoring and Controlling Processes


Learn Project Management Processes. Determine which action is in what PMI process... Executing or Monitoring and Controlling
Fichas por myrdenafrancis, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por myrdenafrancis hace más de 9 años
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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Measure against the performance measurement baseline. Monitoring and Controlling
Reanalyze existing risks. Monitoring and Controlling
Increase the effectiveness of processes. Executing
Implement approved changes, including corrective actions, preventive actions, and defect repair. Executing
Hold team-building activities. Executing
Evaluate the effectiveness of risk responses in a risk audit. Monitoring and Controlling
Recalculate how much the project will cost and how long it will take, and create forecasts. Monitoring and Controlling
Spend time trying to improve quality. Monitoring and Controlling
Evaluate how effectively the team members function as a team. Executing
Manage the time and cost reserves. Monitoring and Controlling
Focus on looking for exceptions to the approved project management plan in team members' performance, rather than checking up on every person's work or babysitting. Executing
Keep everyone focused on completing the project to the project charter and project management plan. Executing
Calculate estimate to complete. Monitoring and Controlling
Implement approved process improvements. Executing
Determine variances. Monitoring and Controlling
Use and interpret earned value calculations. Monitoring and Controlling
Exercise judgement to determine what variances are important and if they warrant recommending a change or corrective action. Monitoring and Controlling
Keep managers apprised of when their resources will be needed on the project. Executing
Create recommendations for the performing organization that increase its effectiveness. Executing
Perform procurement inspections. Monitoring and Controlling
Look for newly arising risks. Monitoring and Controlling
Assess individual team member performance. Executing
Obtain formal acceptance of interim deliverables from the customer. Monitoring and Controlling
Identify the need for replanning. Monitoring and Controlling
Make or obtain a decision in integrated change control about whether changes should be approved or rejected. Monitoring and Controlling
Perform quality assurance to ensure the defined practices and procedures are being followed and are still appropriate for the project. Executing
Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented corrective actions. Monitoring and Controlling
Manage stakeholder engagement and expectations, increase project support, and prevent possible problems. Executing
Keep the project's business case in focus while managing the project, especially when problems occur. Executing
Obtain seller responses to procurement documents. Executing
Take action to control the project Monitoring and Controlling
Measure performance against the performance measurement baseline Monitoring and Controlling
Analyze and evaluate performance Monitoring and Controlling
Measure performance against other metrics in the PM Plans Monitoring and Controlling
Analyze and evaluate performance Monitoring and Controlling
Determine if variances warrant a corrective action or other change request. Monitoring and Controlling
Influence the factors that cause changes Monitoring and Controlling
Request changes during monitoring and controlling Monitoring and Controlling
Perform integrated change control Monitoring and Controlling
Approve or reject changes Monitoring and Controlling
Update the PM plan and project documents Monitoring and Controlling
Inform stakeholders of the results of change requests Monitoring and Controlling
Monitor stakeholder engagement Monitoring and Controlling
Create forecasts Monitoring and Controlling
Gain acceptance of interim deliverables from the customer Monitoring and Controlling
Perform quality control Monitoring and Controlling
Perform risk assessments and audits Monitoring and Controlling
Manage reserves Monitoring and Controlling
Control procurements Monitoring and Controlling
Execute the work according to the PM plan Executing
Produce product deliverables (product scope) Executing
Gather work performance Executing
Request changes (executing) Executing
Implement only approved changes Executing
Continuously improve Executing
Follow processes Executing
Determine whether processes are correct and effective (quality assurance) Executing
Perform quality audits Executing
Acquire final team Executing
Manage people Executing
Evaluate team and individual performance Executing
Hold team building activities Executing
Give recognition and rewards Executing
Use issue logs Executing
Facilitate conflict resolution Executing
Release resources as work is completed Executing
Send and receive information, and solicit feedback Executing
Report on project performance Executing
Manage stakeholder engagement and expectations Executing
Hold meetings Executing
Acquire, Develop, and Manage Project Team (Human Resource Management Process) Executing
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