Week 6 Instruments


Technical College Dental Assisting Fichas sobre Week 6 Instruments, creado por Stefani Rojas Covarrubias el 04/01/2024.
Stefani Rojas Covarrubias
Fichas por Stefani Rojas Covarrubias, actualizado hace alrededor de 1 mes
Stefani Rojas Covarrubias
Creado por Stefani Rojas Covarrubias hace 11 meses

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Aspirating Anesthetic Syringe To administer a local anesthetic, has a harpoon.
Short Needle To administer anesthetic by infiltration injection on maxillary arch. 1 inch long, various gauges.
Long Needle To administer anesthetic by block injection on mandibular arch. 1 5/8 inches long. Various gauges available.
Recapping Device To hold needle sheath for one-hand recapping after injection.
Anesthetic Cartridge To hold liquid anesthetic for local injection in the oral cavity. Glass cartridge also known as carpule.
Cartridge Blister Pack Holds anesthetic carpules. The carpules are dispensed as needed through a paper backing.
Thumb Ring on Anesthetic Syringe Allows the operator to firmly hold the syringe and aspirate during the injection.
Aspirating Anesthetic Syringe
Short Needle (blue one)
Long Needle (yellow one)
Recapping Device (there is many different recapping devices, just need to know what its for and how to use)
Anesthetic Cartridge
Cartridge Blister Pack (it is a pack of anesthetic cartridges, held tightly to avoid glass breaking)
Thumb Ring on Anesthetic Syringe (round part)
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