Notes and Rests - Level 2


music Music Fichas sobre Notes and Rests - Level 2, creado por Benjamin Ray el 04/03/2024.
Benjamin Ray
Fichas por Benjamin Ray, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Benjamin Ray
Creado por Benjamin Ray hace alrededor de 1 año

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Whole Note (4 beats)
Half Note (2 beats)
Quarter Note (1 beat)
Single Eighth Note (1/2 a beat)
Single Sixteenth Note (1/4 a beat)
Whole Rest (4 beats)
Half Rest (2 beats)
Quarter Rest (1 beat)
Eighth Rest (1/2 beat)
Sixteenth Rest (1/4 a beat)
Beamed Eighth Notes (1/2 a beat each) **Eighth notes are beamed if they exist within the same beat**
Beamed Sixteenth Notes (1/4 a beat each) **Sixteenth notes are beamed if they exist within the same beat**
Dotted Half Note (3 beats) **Dots add half the value back to the original**
Dotted Quarter Note (1.5 beats) **Dots add half the value back to the original**
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