Notes and Rests - Level 2


music Music Fichas sobre Notes and Rests - Level 2, creado por Benjamin Ray el 04/03/2024.
Benjamin Ray
Fichas por Benjamin Ray, actualizado hace 12 meses
Benjamin Ray
Creado por Benjamin Ray hace 12 meses

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Whole Note (4 beats)
Half Note (2 beats)
Quarter Note (1 beat)
Single Eighth Note (1/2 a beat)
Single Sixteenth Note (1/4 a beat)
Whole Rest (4 beats)
Half Rest (2 beats)
Quarter Rest (1 beat)
Eighth Rest (1/2 beat)
Sixteenth Rest (1/4 a beat)
Beamed Eighth Notes (1/2 a beat each) **Eighth notes are beamed if they exist within the same beat**
Beamed Sixteenth Notes (1/4 a beat each) **Sixteenth notes are beamed if they exist within the same beat**
Dotted Half Note (3 beats) **Dots add half the value back to the original**
Dotted Quarter Note (1.5 beats) **Dots add half the value back to the original**
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