Earth Science Lab exam Review


review for earth science lab test
Snack Pack
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Snack Pack
Creado por Snack Pack hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
formula for measuring depth of ocean floor: 2D=T*V
The D in (2D=T*V) stands for: (Depth) of ocean floor
The T in (2D=T*V) stands for: (Time) for signal to travel from transmitter to the receiver in seconds
The V in (2D=T*V) stands for: (Velocity) or speed of sound as it travels through the ocean water
What is an accretionary wedge? Built up of sediments along active continental margins
Why should a swimmer caught in a rip current swim parallel with the shore? To escape the current
What is a Barrier island? A broadened barrier beach, habitable in places, that provides a measure of protection for the mainland, as during hurricanes and tidal waves.
Why is the moon a stronger force of tidal fluctuations than the sun? Moon is closer than the sun
An _________ ________ ________ occurs along the edges of continents where plate tectonic motion is typically manifested as a convergent boundary. Active Continental Margin
A narrow valley that runs parallel to the volcanic activity produced by subduction as the ocean lithosphere converges with continental lithosphere Deep Ocean Trench
Which of these is a smaller scale map? Map A scale of: 1:24,000 Map B scale of : 1:500,000 Map B
Lines that measure latitude on the globe are called? Parallel Lines
Lines that measure longitude on the globe are called Meridian Lines
A line connecting points of equal elevation? (vertical distance above mean sea level) Contour
Every Fifth contour line is darker and heavier. It has a value on the line at regular intervals. this is called an? Index Contour
A valley with steep sides and a flat interior that was formed by glaciers is called a? U-shaped Valley
A ridge of glacier material deposited as meltwater flowed beneath a glacier in a sinuous (S-shaped) pattern is called an Ester
Equation for stream flow? Q = VA
Q = VA ( Q represents? ) Discharge
Q = VA ( V represents? ) Velocity
Q = VA ( A represents? ) Cross-Sectional (Area)
When the stream leaves its banks and spreads over the floodplain, magnitude of cross sectional area (A): Goes Up
When a stream leaves its banks, magnitude of Velocity (V): Goes Down
What happens to the erosive (destructive) power of the stream when it spills into the floodplain? Goes Down
A Mountain Peek that has been left as the result of glacial erosion and typically represents a high elevation within the map is called a : Horn
A Knife-like ridge that is left as alpine glaciers erode on either side is called an Arete
A bowl-shaped depression carved at the head of a glacier is known as a : Cirque
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