Situation Ethics


Flashcards on Situation Ethics by Joseph Fletcher
Alexa Smith
Fichas por Alexa Smith, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alexa Smith
Creado por Alexa Smith hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Who created Situation Ethics? Joseph Fletcher (1905-1991)
Why did Joseph Fletcher create Situation Ethics? He created it because he was confused by the conflicting messages in the Bible and thought that the overall message was Love, or Agape, and thus built an ethical theory around it
What are the Six fundamental principles? Love must be the final end Love is the only absolute Love is Self-giving Justice will follow from love, justice is love distributed Love has no favourites The loving thing to do will always depend on the situation.
What are the Four Working Principles? Relativism - Words like 'always' are banned Pragmatism - What you propose must work in practice Positivism - Make sure the outcome is positive Personalism - People are put first
What are two strengths of Situation Ethics? Easy to update to new science and situations Flexible and takes into consideration the situation Focuses on humans and concerns for others Easy to understand
What are two weaknesses of Situation Ethics We can never fully determine outcomes Wrong to make decisions that could potentially go against the teachings of the church and bible
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