WJEC Level 2 Latin Language Vocabulary (T)


WJEC Level 2 Certificate in Latin Language & Roman Civilisation and Level 2 Certificate in Latin Language Specification 36
Gian Hernandez
Fichas por Gian Hernandez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Gian Hernandez
Creado por Gian Hernandez hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
taberna tabernae, f. shop inn
taceo tacere tacui tacitus be silent be quiet
tam so
tamen however
tandem at last finally
tantus tanta tantum so great such a great so much
templum templi, n. temple
tempus temporis, n. time
teneo tenere tenui tentus hold
terra terrae, f. ground land
terreo terrere terrui territus frighten
timeo timere timui fear be afraid
tot so many
totus tota totum whole
trado tradere tradidi traditus hand over
traho trahere traxi tractus drag draw pull
trans across
tres tria three
tristis triste sad
tu tui you (singular)
tum then
turba turbae, f. crowd
tuus tua tuum your (singular) yours
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WJEC Level 2 Latin Language Vocabulary (A)
Gian Hernandez
WJEC Level 2 Latin Language Vocabulary (E&F)
Gian Hernandez
WJEC Level 2 Latin Language Vocabulary (S)
Gian Hernandez
WJEC Level 2 Latin Language Vocabulary (M)
Gian Hernandez
WJEC Level 2 Latin Language Vocabulary (N)
Gian Hernandez
WJEC Level 2 Latin Language Vocabulary (I)
Gian Hernandez
WJEC Level 2 Latin Language Vocabulary (O&P)
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