Geology Final Exam


Ba Geology Fichas sobre Geology Final Exam, creado por mitchel.soltys el 13/01/2016.
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Creado por mitchel.soltys hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What does CI stand for? Contour Interval
Where do I find the amount of elevation change for a CI? On the legend.
How many contour intervals are there between major bands, typically? 5
What is the elevation difference if I cross 5 contour lines and the CI is 50 ft? 250 ft
What is the formula for slope %? rise/run * 100
What is rise? Change in elevation (vertical distance)
What is run Horizontal distance between two points on the map.
If rise increases but run stays the same, what happens to the slope? It increases.
If the rise is the same, but the run differs, which run has the greatest slope %? The smallest run
If the run is the same, but the rise differs, which rise has the greatest slope %? The greatest rise
What is clastic? A rock made of of broken pieces of older rocks.
What is Igneous rock? Rocks formed from cooled magma or lava.
Is asphalt a mineral? No, it's man made.
Are gems minerals Yes
What are minerals naturally occuring representable by a chemical formula inorganic has a crystaline structure
What the difference between a rock and a mineral Rocks are a mixture of minerals. Minerals have a specific chemical formula.
Is granite a rock or mineral Rock it's made up of three minerals quartz feldspar biotite
What does aggregate mean Mixture
What does crystalline mean having a crystal structure, the atoms are arranged in a neat pattern
What's a silicate a salt containing silicon most silicates also contain oxygen silicates are anionic (they have a negative charge)
What does anionic mean it has a negative charge because there are more electrons than protons
What's an anionic compound a mixture of two or more things and the overall mixture has a negative charge
what is tuff a light porus rock made from volcanic ash
what is a flood basalt the result of a gigantic volcanic eruption it coats large areas of land or ocean floor they commonly have a stair step appearance
what does basalt mean it's a fine grained igneous rock it's made mainly of feldspar it is commonly half silica it commonly has a glassy appearance with mineral grains mixed in
what's a composite volcano also called stratovolcano they look like the typical cone volcano shield volcanoes are different they are flatter and broader there are 452 stratovolcanoes in the pacific ring of fire think of stratosphere
what's a caldera a large volcano shaped like a crater it's formed by an emptied magma chamber caldera is from "cauldron" think of a big cooking pot
volcanic dome also called a lava dome a large mound formed by lava being squeezed out of the ground
what's a scoria cone also known as cinder cone they are the smallest and most common type of volcano they look like a cone with a hole in the top (like a combination stratovolcano and caldera)
what's a lagoon a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by barrier islands or reefs
what's a sheild volcano a volcano that is a flattened dome the sides are not nearly a step as a composite volcano (stratovolcano)
what are tidal flats also known as mud flats they are formed when tides or rivers deposit mud they are usually found in sheltered areas
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