Law Office 2


Fichas sobre Law Office 2, creado por djcoda2000 el 24/01/2016.
Fichas por djcoda2000, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por djcoda2000 hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Easement A right of use over the property of another: an interest that one person has in the land of another.
Ensue To follow after; to follow in order or train of events.
En Ventre Sa Mere In its mother's womb; unborn child.
Et al and other; and another.
Exculpatory Clearing or tending to clear from alleged fault or guilt, excusing.
Ex curia Out of court; away from the court
Execute To carry out according to its terms; to complete
Ex gratia Out of grace; term applied to anything accorded as favor.
Exigency Pressing need or demand; imperativenss.
Exigible Able to be charged (in the context of a tax, duty, or other payment)
Ex parte Without Notice; on one side only; done for, on behalf of. one party only.
Expunge To destroy or erase; the act of physically destroying information.
Expurgation The act of purging or cleansing, as where a book is published without its obscene passages.
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio No cause of action may be founded upon an immoral or illegal act.
Facto In fact; by an act; by the act or fact.
Feasor Doer; maker
Femme sole a single woman (including divorced or widowed)
Fiat "let it be done; an authority issuing from some competent source for the doing of some legal act.
Fiduciary The character of a trustee or the nature of trust. (Confidence)
Fieri Facias Cause it to be done; judicial writ directing a sheriff to satisfy a judgement from the debtor's property. (Modern writ of execution)
Fortuitous Happening by chance or accident; unexpected; resulting from unavoidable causes.
Forum domicilii The forum or court of the domicile; the domicile of a party to an action, considered as a place of jurisdiction.
Fraudulent Conveyance A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach; conveyance made with the intent to avoid some duty or debt by the person making the transfer.
Garnishment A proceeding whereby a plaintiff creditor (granishor) seeks to subject to his claim the property or money of a third party (granishee) owed by such party to the defendant debtor.
Gift inter vivos Gifts between the living
Grantor The person by whom a grant is made; a transferor of property.
Guarantee One to whom a guaranty is made.
Guaranty A promise to answer for the debt or default of another.
Hebeas Corpus You have the body; the name given to a variety of writs, having for their object to bring a party before a court or judge.
Hereditaments Things capable of being inherited.
Holograph A will or deed written entirely by the testator or grantor with his own hand and not witnessed. (attested)
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