Sem. 1 vocabulary review


units 1-11
Fichas por angelasilva, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por angelasilva hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
adamant unyielding; firm in opinion.
ambivalent having opposing attitudes or feelings toward a person, thing, or idea; unable to decide.
apathy lack of interest; state of not caring.
appease to calm; to make satisfied (often only temporarily).
arduous difficult; requiring much effort.
austere stern; severe; plain.
avarice greed; desire for wealth.
avid enthusiastic; extremely interested.
banter teasing; playful conversation.
bigot one who is intolerant of differences in others.
cajole to persuade with false promises and flattery.
castigate to criticize or punish severely.
chaos complete disorder.
cliche a worn-out idea or overused expression.
coerce to force by using pressure, intimidation, or threats.
concur to be of the same opinion; to agree with.
condone to forgive or overlook an offense.
contrite feeling regret for having committed some wrongdoing.
copious numerous; large in quantity.
cult an organized group of people with an obsessive devotion to a person or set of principles.
cynical doubtful or distrustful of the goodness or sincerity of human motives.
decorum conformity to accepted standards of conduct; proper behavior.
destitute extremely poor; lacking necessities like food and shelter.
dilemma a choice between two unpleasant or difficult options.
disparity inequality; difference.
divulge to tell; to reveal (as a secret).
docile easy to teach or manage.
duplicity intentional deceit in speech or conduct.
emulate to strive to be equal to; to imitate.
enigma a mystery; something seemingly inexplicable.
explicit clearly and openly stated; leaving nothing to the imagination.
expunge to erase or eliminate.
extol to praise highly.
extradite to turn over or deliver to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority.
extraneous inessential; not constituting a vital part.
extrovert one who is outgoing; one who is energized rather than drained by interactions with others.
exult to rejoice; to feel triumphant.
feasible reasonable; capable of being carried out.
fiasco a complete, ridiculous failure.
formidable arousing fear or awe.
furtive stealthy; secretive.
gamut the whole range or extent.
heinous hatefully or shockingly evil.
heresy the crime of holding a belief that goes against established doctrine.
humility absence of vanity; humbleness.
impeccable faultless; without sin or blemish.
inane without sense or meaning; silly.
inexorable unrelenting; unavoidable.
insipid lacking flavor; dull; not at all stimulating.
lethargy lack of energy; sluggishness.
meticulous extremely, sometimes excessively, careful about small details; precise.
motley made up of dissimilar parts; being of many colors.
negligence careless neglect; often resulting in injury.
nuance a slight or subtle degree of difference.
ostracize to banish; to shut out from a group or society by common consent.
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