CIE AS Level organic chemistry mechanisms


AS level Chemistry Fichas sobre CIE AS Level organic chemistry mechanisms, creado por Kudzai Ny el 12/03/2016.
Kudzai Ny
Fichas por Kudzai Ny, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kudzai Ny
Creado por Kudzai Ny hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Converting halogenoalkanes to nitriles 1. Reagent - KCN, NaCN, CN 2. Reaction conditions - Reagent dissolved in alcohol, Heating under reflex 3. Reaction type - Nucleophilic substitution 4. Product - nitrile
Mechanism for nitrile formation 5(i) C-halogen bond polar (ii) C significantly positively charged (iii) CN uses lone electron pair to datively bond to partially positive C atom (iv) Simultaneously C-halogen bond cleaves to maintain quadrivalency and stability
Converting primary halogenoalkanes and primary amines 1. Reagent - Concentrated ammonia 2. Reaction conditions - Reagent dissolved in alcohol, heating in a sealed tube 3. Reaction type - Nucleophilic substitution 4. Product - primary amine
Mechanism for primary amine formation 5(i) C-halogen bond polar (ii) C significantly positively charged (iii) NH3 uses lone electron pair to datively bond to partially positive C atom (iv) Simultaneously C-halogen bond cleaves to prevent octet rule violation as this would make the C structure unstable
Converting halogenoalkanes to alcohols 1. Reagent - Concentrated aqueous NaOH 2. Reaction conditions - heating under reflux 3. Reaction type - Nucleophilic substitution/ Hydrolylsis 4. Product - alcohol
Mechanism for alcohol formation 5(i) C- halogen bond polar (ii) C significantly positively charged (iii) OH uses lone electron pair to datively bond to partially positive C atom (iv) Simultaneously C-halogen bond cleaves to prevent the presence of 5 bonding electron pairs in the valency shell - this is unstable
Converting halogenoalkanes to alkenes 1. Reagent - NaOH 2. Reaction conditions - Reagent dissolved in ethanol, heating 3. Reaction type - elimination/ dehydrohalogenation 4. Product - Alkene
Mechanism for alkene formation 5(i) OH accepts H+ to form H2O. (ii)C-halogen bond breaks heterolytically, forming a Br- (iii)Loss of an H atom and a halogen atom from adjacent C atoms (iv) Double bond formation between the 2 C atoms to maintain quadrivalency
Formation of a range of product from a halogen and alkane 1. Reagent - Any halogen 2. Reaction condition - presence of sunlight or UV radiation Reaction type - free radical substitution/ halogenation
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