Transitioning children with complex needs


University Nursing Fichas sobre Transitioning children with complex needs, creado por katherinethelma el 13/02/2014.
Fichas por katherinethelma, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por katherinethelma hace alrededor de 11 años

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What does transition include? Between hospital and home; health/ social care/education; and children’s and adults’ services
One older definition of transition Blum (1993) The purposeful, planned movement of adolescents and young adults with chronic physical and medical conditions from child centred to adult orientated health services.
Why does the NSF say well planned and conducted transition is important? “all young people to have access to age appropriate services which are responsive to their specific needs as they grow into adulthood”. (Standard 4)
What age? Transition proceeds at different rates for different individuals and families. Different countries have different ideas e.g America sometimes up to 21 years old
Barriers to effective transition Families attachment to children’s services Paediatrician’s reluctance to make the transfer Fragmented and impersonal health care in adult services Poor coordination of services in adult care No equivalent adult service available Transfer at a time of instability
RCN Lost in Transition - Recommendations for nurses All staff who work with adolescents to have specific training Issues of confidentiality between children and parents to be discussed and outcome to be documented Young people to receive support and education to help them prepare for transition Each health care area to have an agreed transition policy Services to be designed around the needs of young people rather than the needs of the service
DoH You're Welcome 2011 Quality Criteria covers ten topic areas: Accessibility Publicity Confidentiality and Consent Environment Staff training, skills, attitudes and values Joined up working Young people’s involvement in monitoring and evaluation of experience Health issues for young people Sexual and reproductive health services Specialist child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) To help health services ‘get it right’ and become ‘user friendly’
The key principles of health transition planning DoH 1. Planning is person centred and needs focused, identifying the hopes, aspirations and goals of the young person who plays an active part in decisions about their future. 2. It assesses the likely impact of future health needs and identiies interventions/strategies. 3. It sees transition as a process and develops lexibility in moving to adult services depending on a young person’s wishes, needs and developmental readiness. 4. It explores, with young people, opportunities for independent living and developing skills in monitoring/managing their conditions and in developing and improving their self image. 5. It helps a young person understand how to access adult services and fully engages children’s and adult health services in planning for an individual young person. 6. It develops a health plan with the young person, and their family and carers, identifying the most appropriate health professional to coordinate this. 7. It takes account of physical, psychological, social, educational and vocational dimensions and the need for equipment/adaptations. 8. It observes local information-sharing protocols, taking account of a young person’s wishes for conidentiality. 9. It ensures a good working knowledge of the professional roles of the core health transition team as well as those in other agencies.
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