Patient Health History


junior Nursing 101 Mind Map on Patient Health History, created by Brittany Gunn on 12/07/2015.
Brittany Gunn
Mind Map by Brittany Gunn, updated more than 1 year ago
Brittany Gunn
Created by Brittany Gunn over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Patient Health History
  1. Physical and Developmental
    1. perception of health status
      1. past health problems
        1. present health therapies
          1. risk factors
            1. activity and coordination
              1. review of systems
                1. Developmental stage
                  1. effect of health status on developmental stage
                    1. members of household marital problems
                      1. growth and maturation
                        1. occupation
                          1. ability to complete activities of daily living (ADLs)
                          2. intellectual
                            1. intellectual performance
                              1. problem solving
                                1. educational level
                                  1. communication patterns
                                    1. attention span
                                      1. long-term and recent memory
                                      2. Spiritual
                                        1. beliefs and meaning
                                          1. religious experiences
                                            1. rituals and practices
                                              1. fellowship
                                                1. courage
                                                2. Emotional
                                                  1. behavioral and emotional status
                                                    1. support systems
                                                      1. self-concept
                                                        1. body image
                                                          1. mood
                                                            1. sexuality
                                                              1. coping mechanisms
                                                              2. Social
                                                                1. financial status
                                                                  1. recreational activities
                                                                    1. primary language
                                                                      1. cultural heritage
                                                                        1. cultural influences
                                                                          1. community resources
                                                                            1. environmental risk factors
                                                                              1. social relationships
                                                                                1. family structure and support
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