Superpower Geographies


Edexcel Contested planet: Superpower Geographies revision cards
Callum  Hunt
Fichas por Callum Hunt, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Callum  Hunt
Creado por Callum Hunt hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Definition:Superpower A nation with the means to project its power and influence anywhere in the world; global dominant force.
What powers do superpowers have? -Global decision making -Military strength -Economic strength -Cultural influence -Geographical power
Who are the BRICs? -Brazil -Russia -India -China
Definition:Capitalism A system in which wealth, and the means of producing wealth are privately owned.
Definition:Colonisation The physical settling of people from a colonial power within their colony.
Definition:Disparity Inequality or difference; core and periphery.
Definition:Evangelism The process of trying to convert someone to a religion
What is dependency theory? - Notion that goods flow from undeveloped periphery to developed core. -This at the expense of the periphery but beneficial to the core.
Hard power -Summarised and military presence -Land, air and naval forces -Nuclear weapons -Military alliances -Diplomatic threats to use force.
'Medium' power -Trade and Aid -Reducing import tariffs -Trade blocs and alliances -Using aid to keep allies happy -Economic sanctions against nations
Soft power -Using the media to promote ideas -Exporting culture through film media etc - Gradually promoting particular ideas to doubters
British Empire: 1600-1850 -Mercantilism and monopoly companies were become more prominent -King giving permission for conquest of territory
British Empire: 1850-1945 - This what the imperial phase - Steamships and telegraphs -Colonies built to defend existing ones - 25% of land and population
Decline of the British Empire - The British Empire began its decline in 1930 due to the great depression - World war II and nationalism assured the demise of the British Empire
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