Geography - Population


GCSE Geography Fichas sobre Geography - Population, creado por bohcass el 14/03/2014.
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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is Population Growth? It refers to a change in population size. This change can be +ve / -ve / zero
A rapid increase in population is also called ... Population Explosion
Factors affecting world population growth rate 1. Birth Rate 2. Death Rate
What is Birth Rate Number of live births per 1000 people per year.
What is death rate? The number of deaths per 1000 people per year
How fast a population grows depends on ... The Rate of Natural Increase
The Rate of Natural Increase is calculated by... Subtracting the death rate from the birth rate.
The world's population is growing rapidly because ... 1. Birth rate > Death rate 2. People live longer
Why people live longer now? 1. Better medical and health care 2. Improved hygiene 3. Increased food supply (due to advances in technology)
Population Distribution Most of the world's population lives on ... Only 10% of the Earth's land surface
Some countries have small populations, others have large populations. We say that the ..... Population Distribution is uneven
Factors affecting Population Distribution 1. Physical Environment 2. Level of Technology
How does physical environment affect population distribution People tend to live in areas... 1. with fertile soil 2. climate is not extreme
How does level of technology affect population? Technology - knowledge, skills & tools that people use to meet their needs. Environments that were not suitable can be converted to make suitable.
Population Density Total Number of People --------------------------- Total Land Area
Countries with low population density is also said to be ... Sparsely Populated
Countries with high population density is also said to be.. Densely populated
Population density varies within a country too Cities have high population densities. Countrysides, deserts & forests have low population densities.
The fastest population growth in the world today is in.... Less developed countries
What are less developed countries 1. Low level of economic wealth 2. Poor living conditions E.g. Africa, South America and some parts of Asia
What is a population pyramid
Causes of High Rate of Population Growth 1. Low Death Rate 2. High Birth Rate
Factors leading to low death rate 1. Better Medical and Health Care 2. Better Hygiene
What is Medical Care Availability of hospitals, clinics, doctors, medical equipment, medicine and medical knowledge
What is Health Care Immunisation, nutritional knowledge, availability of community hospitals and other measures to improve quality of life.
Better medical and health care resulted in... 1. Lower infant mortality rate (babies dying in 1st yr of birth). 2. Longer life expectancy (Elderly live longer)
Better Hygiene 1. Less prone to contracting diseases. 2. Environment has fewer disease-carrying pests and insects
Factors leading to High Birth Rate 1. Lack of Family Planning 2. Early Marriages 3. Preference for sons 4. Need for Farm Labour
Reasons for Lack of family planning 1. Less education and know little about family planning methods. 2. Deep-rooted traditional beliefs & values or religious beliefs
Early Marriage The childbearing years of younger women is longer
Preference for sons Sons can carry family name and able to continue work on the farm unlike daughters who will marry and move away
Need for Farm Labour More hands to work on the farm.
Consequences of High Rate of Population Growth 1. Higher Demand for Resources 2. Higher Demand for Housing 3. Higher Demand for Education 4. Higher Demand for Jobs 5. Environmental Problems
Actions to control High Rate of Population Growth 1. Educate on Family Planning. 2. Incentives and Penalties e.g. China's one child policy
Low Rate of Population Growth In developed countries
What are developed countries Countries with high levels of economic wealth and living conditions.
Causes of Low Rate of Population Growth 1. Low Death Rate 2. Low Birth Rate
Factors that lead to Low Death Rate 1. Higher Standards of hygiene - clean food, water & air 2. Better Nutrition. 3. Better Medical and health care
Factors that lead to low birth rate 1. Later Marriages 2. Fewer Marriages 3. Preference for smaller families
Why people marry later in developed countries 1. Women have higher academic qualifications 2. Women pursue careers before settling down
Consequences of low rate of population growth 1. Ageing population 2. Higher Taxes 3. Smaller Talent Pool
Ageing Population 1. Growing % of ppl > 60 yrs old 2. More elderly and fewer youths in workforce => burden on working population increases
Higher taxes Shrinking workforce => each working person has to pay more taxes to fund public projects.
Smaller Talent pool. Fewer people to lead and serve country => need to attract foreign talent
Actions to manage low rate of population growth 1. Encourage Marriage and Childbearing. 2. Meeting the needs of the elderly. 3. Building special facilities. 4. Helping the elderly keep healthy. 5. Encourage families to look after the elderly. 6. Extending working life 7. Encouraging Financial Planning
How to encourage marriage and childbearing? 1. Tax rebates to families with more children 2. More child care centres to look after children.
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