Geography migration key terms


flashcards for geography
Hannah Jacobs
Fichas por Hannah Jacobs, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Hannah Jacobs
Creado por Hannah Jacobs hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Migration The movement of people from one place to another.
Immigration Movement into a country/ area
Emmigration Movement out of a country/ area
Forced migration Where people who are known as refugees migrate to escape persecution or natural disasters.
Voluntary migration The unforced or free movement from their homelands to new areas, often to seek a better quality of life.
Rural- urban migration The movement of people from rural (countryside) areas to urban ares (cities and towns).
Urban- rural migraton The movement of people from urban (towns and cities) areas to rural (countryside) areas.
Seasonal migration When a person migrates at certain times of the year.
Temporary migration When a person migrates for a short period of time before returning to their original area.
Internal migration When people migrate within the same country of region.
Permanent migration When a person migrates and does not return to their original area.
Push factor Something that would make you want to leave a place.
Pull factor Something that would attract you to move somewhere.
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