Creado por Darlene Feltham
hace más de 8 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
Funerary Vessel c. 750–735 BCE Ceramic, height 42.5" | |
Anavysos Kouros Cemetery near Athens 530 BCE, marble, 6’ 4” | |
Kritios Boy Early Classical, 480 BCE, Marble, 4' | |
Berlin Kore Cemetery at Keratea near Athens 570-560 BCE, Marble with remnants of red paint, 6’ 3" | |
Nike Adjusting her Sandal Fragment of relief, Temple of Athena, Acropolis, Athens, 410-405 BCE. Marble, 3’ 6” | |
The Spear Bearer 450-430 BCE, Marble, 6’ 11” Roman copy after the original bronze, | |
Lysippos, Man Scraping Himself 350-325 BCE, Marble, 6' 9” | |
Peplos Kore Acropolis, Athens 530 BCE, Marble, 4’ | |
Aphrodite of Milos 150-100 BCE, Marble, 6’ 8” | |
Winged Victory of Samothrace from the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace 180 BCE, Marble, 8’ 1” | |
Riace Warrior c. 460–450 BCE, Bronze, 6' 9" Found in the sea off Riace, Italy. | |
Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis of Athens, Greece | |
Brandenburg Gate Berlin, Germany, Neoclassical monument Built 18th century as symbol of peace | |
Porch of the Maidens Erechtheion Temple, (south porch), 420-410 BCE, Acropolis, Athens |
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