Classical Civilisation Greek Art, Free Standing Sculpture (OCR, A Level)


Visual sources for A Level Greek Art.
Imogen Woodhead
Flashcards by Imogen Woodhead, updated more than 1 year ago
Imogen Woodhead
Created by Imogen Woodhead over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name, Date, Period? New York Kouros, 590-580 BC, Early Archaic
Name, Date, Period? Kleobis and Biton, 580 BC, Early Archaic
NOT SET Name, Date, Period? Sounion Kouros, 590-580 BC, Early Archaic
Name, Date, Period? Anavyssos Kouros, 530 BC, Late Archaic
Name, Date, Period? Aristodikos Kouros, 510-500 BC, Late Archaic
NOT SET Name, Date, Period? Nikandre, 640-630 BC, Early Archaic
Name, Date, Period? Berlin Standing Goddess, 570- 560 BC, Early Archaic
Name, Date, Period? Peplos Kore, 530-525 BC, Late Archaic
NOT SET Name, Date, Period? Kore 675, 520-510 BC, Late Archaic
Name, Date, Period? Delphic Charioteer, 478-474 BC, Early Classical
NOT SET Name, Date, Period? Hestia Giustiniani, 470 BC, Early Classical
Name, Date, Period? Artemision Zeus, 460 BC, Early Classical
Name, Sculptor, Date, Period? Diskobolos, Myron, 460-450 BC, Early Classical
Name, Sculptor, Date, Period? Doryphoros, Polykleitos, 440 BC, High Classical
Name, Date, Period? Aphrodite from the Agora, 420 BC, High Classical
NOT SET Name, Sculptor, Date, Period? Nike, Paionios, 420 BC, High Classical
NOT SET Name, Date, Period? Karyatid from the Erechtheion, 420- 405 BC, High Classical
Name, Sculptor, Date, Period? Eirene and Ploutos, Kephisodotos, 375-371 BC, Late Classical
Name, Sculptor, Date, Period? Aphrodite of Knidos, Praxiteles, 340 BC, Late Classical
Name, Sculptor, Date, Period? Hermes and the infant Dionysus, Praxiteles, 340 BC, Late Classical
Name, Date, Period? Antikythera Youth, 340 BC, Late Classical
Name, Sculptor, Date, Period? Apoxyomenos, Lysippos, 340 BC, Late Classical
NOT SET Name, Date, Period? Raging Maenad, 350- 325 BC, Late Classical
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