Clinical Skills Year 1 MBBS


Fichas sobre Clinical Skills Year 1 MBBS, creado por Ben Goetze el 23/10/2016.
Ben Goetze
Fichas por Ben Goetze, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ben Goetze
Creado por Ben Goetze hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Cardiovascular Exam General Inspection Central Cyanosis Respiratory Distress Sweating or Pain Dysmorphic Features
Cardiovascular Exam Hands Clubbing Capillary Return (2 Seconds) Splinter Haemorrhages Tar Staining Pallor in Palmar Creases Osler's Nodes Janeway Lesions
Cardiovascular Exam Vitals Pulse and Pulse Rate Respiratory Rate Blood Pressure Temperature Oxygen Saturation
Cardiovascular Exam Face Conjunctival Pallor Jaundice of the Sclera Xanthelasma Malar Flush High Arch Palate Dentition Central Cyanosis (under tongue)
Cardiovascular Exam Neck Palpate Carotids Auscultate for bruits JVP
Cardiovascular Exam Chest Inspection Chest Symmetry and Shape Scars Pacemaker Visible Pulsations
Cardiovascular Exam Chest Palpation Apex Beat Heaves and Thrills
Cardiovascular Exam Chest Auscultation Mitral, Tricuspid, Pulmonary, Aortic Listen for Mitral Stenosis (lean to the left) Listen for Aortic Regurgitation (sit up and listen at Erb's Point)
Respiratory Exam General Inspection Sputum Mug Respiratory Devices Cough Posture Accessory Muscles of Respiration
Respiratory Exam Hands Clubbing Peripheral Cyanosis Tar Staining Wasting of the Small Muscles
Respiratory Exam Face Pallor of the Conjunctivae Myosis, Partial Ptosis, Anhidrosis - Horners Nasal polyps, septal deviation, engorged turbinates General dentition, reddened pharynx, Central Cyanosis (under the tongue) Frontal, Maxillary and Ethnoid Sinuses
Respiratory Exam Neck Tracheal Tug Lymph Nodes - Submental, Submandibular, Pre-auricular, post auricular, occipital, anterior and posterior chain, Supraclavicular
Respiratory Exam Chest Inspection Chest shape Symmetry of Chest Scars
Respiratory Exam Palpation Chest Expansion
Respiratory Exam Percussion Percuss 6 areas of the chest Percuss axilla, area of right lobe
Respiratory Exam Auscultation Breath Sounds Adventitial Sounds Vocal Resonance
GI Exam General Inspection General Nutrition Pigmentation Mental state - alert and aware of time and place Jaundice
GI Exam Hands Clubbing Leukonychia Koilonychia Palmar Erythema Dupuytrens Contractures Hepatic Flap
GI Exam Arms Spider Naevi Bruising Scratch Marks Muscle Wasting
GI Exam Face Jaundice of the sclera Pallor of the Conjunctivae Parotid Glands Ulceration, stomatitis, gingivitis, leukoplakia
GI Exam Neck and Chest Supraclavicular Nores Gynaecomastia Body Hair Loss Spider Naevi
GI Exam Abdomen Inspection Scars Distention Abnormal Venous Distribution Striae Abnormal Pulsations Visible Masses
GI Exam Palpation of Abdomen Superficial Palpation - Hypochondriac, Epigastric, Lumbar, Umbilical, Suprapubic, Iliac Fossa feeling for rigidity, tenederness Deep Palpation
GI Exam palpation of Abdomen organs Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, Abdominal Aorta
GI Exam Percussion Liver, Spleen, Shifting Dullness
GI Exam Auscultation Bowel Sounds, Renal Bruits
GI Exam if more time Rectal Examination
Sensory Examination Pin Testing Vibration Testing Proprioception Light Touch Testing
Peripheral Motor Exam General Inspection Abnormal Movements (Tremor) Abnormal Posture Muscle Wasting Asymmetry Scars Fasciculations
Peripheral Motor Exam Features Tone, Power, Reflexes, Co-ordination
Motor Exam Power Upper Limb Shoulder Abduction - C5 Shoulder Adduction - C6,7,8 Elbow Flexion - C5,6 Elbow Extension - C7,8 Wrist Flexion - C6,7 Wrist Extension - C6,7 Finger Extension - C7,8 Finger Flexion - C7,8 Abduction - C8, T1
Upper Limb Reflexes Biceps Reflex Triceps Reflex Supinator/Brachioradialis Reflex Finger Jerk
Upper Limb Co-ordination Finger Nose Test Rapid Alternating Movements
Lower Limb Power Hip Flexion - L2,3 Hip Extension - L3,4 Knee Flexion - L5, S1 Knee Extension - L3, 4 Plantar Flexion - S1,2 Dorsiflexion - L4,5
Lower Limb Reflexes Knee Jerk Reflex Ankle Jerk Reflex Plantar Reflex
Lower Limb Co-ordination Heel-shin test Toe finger test Foot tapping test
Gait Walk normally, on their toes, on their heels, from heel to toe Squat Balance
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