

Medicine Yr1 Epidemiology
Danielle Richardson
Mind Map by Danielle Richardson, updated more than 1 year ago
Danielle Richardson
Created by Danielle Richardson almost 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. Index of multiple deprivation
    1. Income
      1. Employment
        1. Education
          1. Disability and Health
            1. Living environment
              1. Crime
                1. Barriers to housing
                2. Gini index
                  1. How unequally a quantity is developed across a population
                    1. 1= perfect inequality
                      1. 0=perfect equality
                        1. RObin hood index
                          1. how much proportion of money would have to be transferred from rich to poor to make equal
                        2. Millenium development goals
                          1. Health inequality
                            1. Measurement
                              1. NS-SEC
                                1. National Statistics Socio-economic classification
                                  1. Determines classification by job role
                                    1. 1-8
                                  2. Marmot review looks at health inequality
                                    1. Black report


                                      • Associated poverty and poor health outcomes 
                                    2. Registrar general social class
                                      1. Social class dependent on job
                                        1. Split into non-manual and manual
                                      2. Definitions
                                        1. Pandemic
                                          1. Sudden rise in endemic in multiple countries
                                          2. Epidemic
                                            1. Sudden rise of cases in a country
                                            2. Endemic
                                              1. Cases present in a population
                                            3. The main determinants of health
                                              1. individual
                                                1. social and community
                                                  1. Living and working conditions
                                                    1. education
                                                      1. health care services
                                                        1. housing
                                                        2. Socioeconomic, culture, environmental conditions
                                                        3. Most deaths/disability globally caused by
                                                          1. Children
                                                            1. Diarrhoea
                                                              1. Malaria
                                                                1. Pneumonia
                                                                  1. Measles
                                                                    1. Perinatal condition


                                                                      • just before and after birth
                                                                    2. Adults
                                                                      1. RTCs
                                                                        1. HIV related
                                                                          1. Ischaemic heart disease
                                                                            1. Stroke
                                                                              1. Depression
                                                                              2. Most deaths in UK caused by
                                                                                1. Male
                                                                                  1. Lung cancer
                                                                                    1. CHD
                                                                                      1. Stroke
                                                                                      2. Female
                                                                                        1. Dementia/alzheimer's
                                                                                          1. CHD
                                                                                            1. Stroke
                                                                                        2. Thrive Plymouth 4 4 54
                                                                                          1. 4 risk factors, cause the 4 diseases in plymouth which cause 54% of deaths
                                                                                            1. Risk factors
                                                                                              1. Inactivity
                                                                                                1. Smoking
                                                                                                  1. Drinking
                                                                                                    1. Diet
                                                                                                  2. Government recommendations
                                                                                                    1. Exericse
                                                                                                      1. 30 minutes 3 times a week
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