Mercutio Quotes


Quotes about mercutio and meaning
Helen Harmer
Fichas por Helen Harmer, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Helen Harmer
Creado por Helen Harmer hace más de 8 años

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" That dreamers often lie" - Mercutio. "Queen mab hath been with you" - Mercutio Act 1 scene 4: Mercutio's and Romeo's language is full of puns. mercutio's doesn't believe in fate and his speech on queen mab shows he's intelligent and witty.
"to raise a sprite in his mistress' circle" - Mercutio Act 2 scene 1: Mercutio makes crude sexual puns to try and get Romeo to come back shows their different views on love. Mercutio is a foil for Romeo they are opposites. foil - a character who contrasts with another to highlight particular qualities.
"a challenge on my life" - Mercutio "more than a prince of cats" - Mercutio ( on tybalt) "a sail, a sail!" - Mercutio "saucy merchant" - the nurse Act 2 scene 4: light hearted language comic relief between Romeo and Mercutio. Rude to the nurse calls her fat . Saucy merchant means trickstar, rude, confident + sexual sums up character
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