Which Person


Amanda Chaiet
Fichas por Amanda Chaiet, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Amanda Chaiet
Creado por Amanda Chaiet hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Eudoxus of Cnidus Proposed a geocentric model of the Universe Earth was at the center and didn’t move Other objects in the sky are on a series of crystalline spheres, centered on Earth, turning at different speeds.
Aristotle Student of Plato, but differed in that the world of observed phenomena was the real world Universe had perfect radial symmetry – finite and spherical Everything that moves in the sky moves in circles – heavens are perfect and circles are perfect 55 crystalline spheres predicted.
Aristarchus of Samos Mathematician who proposed a Heliocentric Universe!! Developed a system of measuring relative distances
Eratosthenes Estimated the circumference of Earth by measuring the shadow cast by the sun at noon at Alexandria while at the same time in Syene (now Aswan) there was no shadow cast on the day of the summer solstice. Error less than 1%! Calculated the tilt of Earth’s axis Calculated the distance of Earth to the Sun Invented the leap day
Ptolemy Proposed a model for the geocentric universe that could better explain retrograde motion. Wrote The Almagest (The Greatest) – the only surviving comprehensive ancient treatise on astronomy—compiled and expanded on work of the Chaldeans of Babylonia
Nicolaus Copernicus Formulated a comprehensive heliocentric model of the universe. Published his book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres) on his deathbed in 1543. It is said that he wasn’t so much afraid to publish it based on what people might say, but because he was a perfectionist.
Tycho Brahe Granted an observatory on the island of Hven, with large astronomical instruments which gave him the ability to take almost 20 years of the most accurate naked eye measures ever.
Johannes Kepler Assistant to Tycho Brahe. Took 20 years of planetary data and derived 3 laws of planetary motion from them.
Galileo Galilei Improved upon the Dutch invention of the telescope and was the first person to look at the sky with this device. His telescopic discoveries supported the Copernican system of the universe. Showed that all objects fall at the same rate in a gravitational field (on Earth) with absence of air resistance. He was put under house arrest for supporting the heliocentric system.
Isaac Newton English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, theologian, Described 3 laws of motion and the universal law of gravitation. Showed that motions of objects on Earth and celestial bodies were governed by the same set of natural laws – linked Gravitation w/ Kepler’s 3 Laws of Planetary Motion Built a reflecting telescope Shares credit for developing Calculus
Edwin Hubble Changed our understanding of the universe profoundly by discovering the existence of galaxies other than our own. (Andromeda) Hubble’s Law: Discovered that the light spectra from other galaxies was red shifted which increased with proportion to distance indicating that the universe is expanding.
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