Global University: Intro to Hermeneutics


Course Work for Level 1, Global University, Berean School of the Bible, Introduction fo Hermeneutics: How to interpret the Bible
Julie Gholston
Fichas por Julie Gholston, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Julie Gholston
Creado por Julie Gholston hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Identify a consideration that must be made if we wish to base a decision on a passage of scripture (What must we consider if we want to make a decision based on a scripture) 4-24 Does the passage apply to us at this point in time
Does the Spirit use personal prophecy to convey a divine call to a believer? (Does the Spirit speak to a person to say they have been called?) 4-25 The call to a life of service to God is confirmed in many ways, each of which is consistent with the written Word of God.
What is the danger in selecting passages that support personal opinions? (Why is using certain passages dangerous when we want to back our opinions?) 4-23 Presumption
God may speak to us in dreams, visions, or prophecy. If these are truly from God they will 4-22 be in accord with the teaching of Scripture
We can know if a preacher or teacher is ministering in the will of God if 4-21 He or she ministers in a manner that is consistent with the entire body of Scripture
One principle regarding the Holy Spirit's guidance in the interpretation of Scripture is that the interpretation will (when interpreting scripture) 4-20 be solidly confirmed by others in the body of Christ, rather than a completely unique interpretation (it should be confirmed by others, not just uniquely my interpretation)
What does the Scripture say about spiritual illumination? (understanding) 4-19 It is hidden from the worldly wise and revealed to believers
Which statement best answers the question: "Is it possible for an unbeliever to understand the Bible?" An unbeliever 4-18 can comprehend the basic propositions and principles of the Bible
A principle should be stated 4-17 in one short sentence
Which is a main rule in stating a biblical principle? (When stating a biblical principle, what is one major rule?) 4-16 State principles that are true to the author's meaning (Say what the author meant)
Which is the best expression of a principle taught in scripture? 4-15 Greet each other in a socially acceptable way.
What is the advantage of using a principle as a sermon title? 4-13 Interest
Principles should be included in evangelistic sermons because they 4-12 lead to a response
"Watch out that no one deceives you" is a principle in the form of a 4-11 Warning
A biblical principle is 4-10 a broad, cross-cultural certainty (will apply to all people, all cultures, surely)
How is the already-not-yet concept illustrated by our attitude toward wealth? 4-9 On earth God will supply our needs; in heaven our treasure will be inexhaustible
When is a believer saved? 4-8 At the moment of belief, during the Christian life, and at death
What is meant by the phrase "already but not yet?" 4-7 The Kingdom exists in the hearts of believers but does not yet cover the earth.
In what way is the Kingdom of God like light? 4-6 The Kingdom increases as sunlight increases from dawn to midday
Which statement describes the believer's judgment? 4-5 Judgment will be based on the quality and character of works done in the body.
How are the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven related? 4-4 The kingdom of God and the Kingdom of heaven are the same kingdom.
What is true about the kingdom of God? 4-3 It has begun, yet we still wait for future fulfillments
What comparison is made in Galatians 3:14 between Abraham and the Gentiles? "He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit." 4-2 Those who have faith are blessed with faithful Abraham
Identify an important reason for valuing the Old Testament. 4-1 The old covenant shows us our need for the new covenant
How should twenty-first century Christians apply instructions that were given to the early church? 3-25 If the instruction is descriptive, we must look for the underlying truth it contains.
The Epistles are referred to as occasional letters because they were written 3-24 in response to particular situations
To think horizontally about the Gospels is to 3-23 compare the parallel ways in which the evangelists treat the same story or saying
The most important function of the accounts of miracles in the Gospels is to show the 3-22 breaking in of the kingdom of God through the ministry of Jesus
What is the common theme of all pericopes? (articles) 3-21 The King and His kingdom
The Gospels give the big picture through a series of smaller literary units called 3-20 pericopes
Apocalypse comes from a Greek word meaning 3-19 to unveil
A prophecy that groups together future events that in reality extend over millennia is called 3-18 telescopic
Prophecy that foretells future events is the hardest to understand because 3-17 the time element in prophecy is unclear
The inspired declaration of divine will and purpose is known as 3-16 prophecy
The meaning of the word "vanity" in the book of Ecclesiastes is 3-15 emptiness
The statement that best describes a proverb is 3-14 a general statement that does not consider exceptions
A proverbs that includes the same thought in parallel lines is said to be 3-13 synonymous
An imprecatory psalm is one in which the Psalmist 3-12 appeals for God to take vengeance on his enemies
"The righteous will flourish like a palm tree" is an example of 3-11 a simile (a figure of speech that compares two things. Crazy like a fox. Brave as a lion.)
"Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge." 3-10 synonymous parallelism (a term describing a couplet in which the second line repeats the idea or content of the first line, but in different terms)
Christians obey Old Testament commandments if they are 3-9 renewed in the New Covenant
How should we interpret the verse "Show no pity, life for life, eye for eye?" 3-8 This provision was to be used by judges who were in office at the time of the original writing
What is meant by "progressive revelation" 3-7 Revelations progressed from partial to complete
The new covenant and the old covenant are alike as both 3-6 require faith and are based on the faith of believers
What is a covenant? 3-5 An agreement between two parties, with duties that each party agrees to
The principles drawn from a passage of Scripture are 3-4 based directly on the author's original intention
The interpretation of a passage of Scripture 3-3 is singular, though it may be a source for many principles and applications.
Regarding the meaning of a Scripture passage, we should understand that 3-2 the passage means what it was intended to mean by the original author
An action is said to be normative when 3-1 other biblical passages confirm and repeat it
Which word best describes the term "hyperbole?" 2-25 Exaggeration
When should a passage of Scripture be taken figuratively 2-24 When a literal interpretation would contradict Scripture or create an absurdity
In the verse "Paul kept on talking until midnight," the meaning of the word midnight is 2-23 a general time between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.
The natural or normal way a language is used is known as its 2-22 literal meaning
Identify the subject of the sentence: "Do not judge or you too will be judged." 2-21 You (unstated)
Identify a way to distinguish a widening context in Scripture from a change in context 2-20 Look for conjunctions like "but" or "therefore"
The following word bridge that would be used to indicate a comparison is 2-19 either/or
What part of speech tells us "how?" 2-18 Adverb (how the action is done)
Which of the following best describes the difference in usage between the definite article (the) and the indefinite article (a, an)? 2-17 The indefinite articles means "one of," but the definite article means "this one"
In the phrase, "I have written," what part of speech is the word have? 2-16 Helping verb
This, that, these and those are referred to as 2-15 demonstrative pronouns
In the verse, "This is the victory that has overcome the world," what is the meaning of world? 2-14 The world system
If a word has a preferred dictionary meaning, how can it mean something else 2-13 The meaning of a word depends on the way it is used
Which of the following words is a noun? 2-12 Home
When Jesus said, It is also written," He was teaching us to 2-11 compare biblical writers in the same testament
What interpretive approach should be taken if we wish to learn the meaning of a passage written by Moses? 2-10 Compare a passage with other passages written by Moses himself
When we consider the entire Bible to assist us in understanding a Scripture verse, we are using 2-9 total context
What approach is most effective in the interpretation of a difficult Scripture? 2-8 Interpret the difficult text in comparison to parallel passages in the same book
Chapter and verse numbers in the Bible 2-7 help us to locate chapters and verses but may interrupt the context
How do we determine the meaning of a word in the Bible 2-6 Determine its usage as a term in context
Which of the following phrases best explains the rule "Scripture interprets Scripture" 2-5 The entire Bible is the ultimate context of any verse in the Bible
The text presents a passage in Galatians 3:10-14 that deals with faith, works, the law, and Christ's sacrifice. Which statement provides a valid interpretation? 2-4 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming cursed for us.
Why are the genealogies of Jesus regarded as valid? 2-3 The genealogies include historical figures who were known to exist
Which of the following is the most important consideration regarding the author of a book of the Bible? 2-2 What relationship did he have with those he wrote to?
To interpret Scripture correctly, we must be able 2-1 to think in two worlds: past and present
What is the meaning of the term demythologize? 1-25 To ignore accounts of miracles when interpreting the Bible
Which would John Calvin regard as most helpful in the interpretation of a verse of Scripture? 1-24 Careful consideration of the passage in which the verse is found
John Calvin is identified with what technique of interpretation? 1-23 Contextual
What was a major contribution of Martin Luther to the development of Bible Study? 1-22 Translation of the Bible into the German language
When Jesus pointed out that "The Sabbath is made for people, not people for the Sabbath," what interpretive method was He using? 1-21 Principle and application
A person or thing in the Old Testament that is believed to foreshadow another in the New Testament is called a 1-20 Type
Which of the following is a feature of characteristic of a type? 1-19 It must resemble in some significant way the thing it refers to
Which of the following is the best example of a "type" in the Bible? 1-18 A person or thing in the Old Testament that foreshadows another person or thing in the New Testament
Language used the natural or normal way is known as 1-17 literal language
How did the apostles interpret Scripture? 1-16 Christologically
An allegory is 1-15 a story in which the characters allude to or suggest other things
The most effective method in determining the intent of a biblical author would be to 1-14 determine what his readers or hearers would have understood
The term "exegesis" refers to 1-13 determining what a passage says
A biblical application is 1-12 relating the content of the passage to an individual person or a local situation
The Living Bible is best described by which statement 1-11 Uses paraphrasing to make the meaning more beautiful and understandable
Which statement best explains why the same word can have different meanings in a concordance? 1-10 The meaning of a word depends on the way it is used in a passage
The Magi knew very little about Jesus, but more was revealed to them because 1-9 they were obedient in the small amount of knowledge that they had
In order to study the Bible effectively, a person much have 1-8 spiritual character and spiritual understanding
Basic qualifications necessary for effective Bible study include 1-7 spiritual understanding, character, and an alert mind
When Christians speak of revelation they refer to 1-6 making divine truth knowable and known
When using concordances, remember that 1-5 the same word can have different meanings
How can we determine what a passage in the Bible means? 1-4 By correctly applying interpretive principles
What is a qualification of a Bible interpreter? 1-3 Depending on the Holy Spirit
Hermeneutics teaches us to study the 1-2 historical settings of scriptures
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