

Biomechanics Fichas sobre Untitled, creado por paul_thompson93 el 10/05/2013.
Fichas por paul_thompson93, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por paul_thompson93 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
1/ what are the two sides to bio-mechanics ? 1 - Kinetics 2- Kinematics
2/ what is Kinematics Description of motion What? When?
3/ what is Kinetics Study of the underlying causes of motion How? Why?
4/ how many meters in an acre? 4047
5/ whats the equation for working out how for a ball will roll? 2TT x r
6/ what are the two types of analysis? • qualitative • quantitative
7/ what is qualitative words
8/ what is quantitative numbers.
9/ what are the steps to analyzing 1. identify the objective of the skill 2. identify key events in the motion 3. select phases (whose beginning and end are defined by specific events) 4. identify the objective of each phase
9/ continued 5. analyse the motions in each phase (kinematics) 6. apply your bio-mechanics knowledge to understand the motion, or suggest improvements (kinetics)
10/ what are the 2 types of motion? 1 - Translation (Linear Motion) 2 - Rotation (Angular Motion)
11/ what can translation be broken down into? (2) 1 - Recti-linear motion 2 - Curvi-linear motion
12/ what are the key features of translation (2) 1 - the orientation of the body does not change 2 - all points on the body move along identical, parallel paths
13/ describe Recti-linear Motion the common, parallel paths are straight lines
14/ describe Curvi-linear Motion the common, parallel paths are curved
15/ what are the key features of rotation? • the orientation of the body changes • all points on the body move in concentric circles (about a shared axis)
16/ However, pure translation or rotation are rare. Most human movements involve a combination of the two - called? general motion
17/ when taking about change in position describe 1 - distance 2 - displacement 1 - distance: length along the path taken 2 - displacement: length ‘as the crow flies’
18/ describe velocity? • the rate of change of position with time
19/ whats the equation for velocity and what does this give use? velocity = displacement/change in time this gives us the average velocity over that time period
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