Creado por Alec Stevens
hace casi 12 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
Risk Assessments | Identify the hazard, identify the people at risk, evaluate the risks, decide upon suitable control measures, record the risk assessment. E.g. avoid RSI by providing suitable chairs for those using computers, ensure the lighting and heat produced by equipment does not discomfort the user, provide sufficient space and take regular breaks. |
Warning Symbols | Placed on products or at the workplace to provide health and safety information. E.g. age warning sign, irritant sign, flammable sign etc. |
COSHH | Substances used directly in work activities like adhesives, paint and cleaning substances. Substances generated during work activities like fumes from soldering and welding. Naturally occurring substances like dust and smoke. Biological agents like bacteria and micro-organisms. Risk assessments carried out, signage produced, PPE provided and used. |
VOC's | Volatile Organic Compounds Often produce vapours which are dangerous upon inhalation. Can burn on touch. Need to be stored suitably - easily identifiable cupboard with safety signage, staff briefed and regular checks. |
Act of 1974 | Under this Act of Parliament, employers are legally required to do all practicable to ensure health and safety of employees at work. |
PPE | 1992 regulation states that employers have basic duties to provide PPE at work. All equipment, including clothes providing protection, which is intended to be worn or held and provide protection from potential health and safety risks. E.g. Gloves, eye-protection, high-vis clothing, footwear, respirators and facemasks. PPE must be properly assessed before use, stored and maintained properly, have training provided for it and used correctly. |
Signage | 1996 regulation requires employers to display appropriate safety signage and instruction 'wherever significant harm or risk cannot be avoided or reduced by other means'. E.g. prohibition signs, mandatory signs, safe condition signs and fire equipment. |
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