Going Global key studies


geography Fichas sobre Going Global key studies, creado por sweet_cherry3 el 13/05/2013.
Fichas por sweet_cherry3, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por sweet_cherry3 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Cluster a geographically concentrated group of connected industries and institutions(firms,supplier,agencies)
Cumulative causation a model that explainss why wealth becomes concentrated in certain places
Export processing zone a small industrial area often on the coast where favourable conditions are created to attract foreign TNCs.(low tax)
Clobal Hub a settlement providing a focal point for activities that have a global influence
Human resources the abilities and potential of the human population in terms of their education levels,skills,language
Core The most developed and highly populated region of a country (growth of core-flow of labour from LEDCs)
Switched-on places nations,regions,cities that are strongly connected to other places through the production and consumption of goods and services.
Wilderness an area of the planet that has remained relatevely untouched by a human activity (Antarctica)
Shrinking world due to technology distant places start to feel closer and take less time to reach
Spatial devison of labour the common practice among large firms of moving low-skilled work abroad to places where labour costs are low(research)
Assembly industries Manufacturing operations that take the products of many different industries and fit them together to make finihsed good
Transnational corporation A company that has operations in more than one industry
Branch Plant A factory built in a counrty by a TNC whuch has its headquarters elsewhere
Consumption the purchase and use of commodities(both goods and food) as well as services
Glocalisation the local sourcing of parts by TNCs in places where they assemble their global products close to markets
Parent company the original business that a global TNC has developed around and directors still make decisions that effect the organisation as a whole(Walt Disney)
Tertiary Sector(service sector) consists of businesses taht produce no physical product instead they sell the product of manufacturing (education,tourism)
Minimum wage an hourly wage set by a nations government that all companies must pay to their employees.
Birth Rate The number of births per 1,000 people per year in a region (fertility)
Death Rate The number of deaths per 1,000 people per yaer in a region(mortality)
Economic Migrant A migrant whose primary motivation is to seek employment.(migrants who already have a job-looking to a better pay or change in career)
Internal Migration The movement of people between different regions within the same nation.(poor nations moved from countryside to the cities)
Intervening obstacle Barrier to a migrant such as a political border or physical feature(Africa-Europe)(Obstacles--family pressure and travel cost)
Intervening opportunity An alternative migration destination that exists between the migrants place of origin and intended destination
Natural Increase The difference between the birth rate and the death rate usually showed as a %.
Natural Decrease death rate exceed bith rate
TNC (transnational corporations) are firms with operations spread across the world,operating in many nations as both makers and sellers of goods and services
Elite A group of people who are economically and socially powerful(Bill Gates earned 50billion from microsoft)
Foreign direct investment a financial injection made by a TNC into a nations economy either to built new facilities or merge with an existing firm there
Rural-urban migration a movement of population from rural to urban areas.
Development gap The difference in levels of economic and social well-bing between the richest and poorest people on the planet
Gross domestic product A measure of the financial value of the goods and services produced within a territory
Human development index A United Nations measure of economic and social development that takes into acount income per capita,life expectancy and adult literacy
Petrodollars money derived from selling oil
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