curious incident of the dog in the night


memorable quotes
Lorna collins
Fichas por Lorna collins, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lorna collins
Creado por Lorna collins hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Antagonist character or force against which another character struggles,, generally the villain, but not always bad
Characterisation The means by which writers present and reveal character, examples:through speech, dress, manner and actions
Antagonist A character or force against which another struggles. Generally the main villain, but not always bad.
Charcaterziation The means by which writer presents and reveal a person.Although techniques of it are complex, writer's typically reveal characters through their speech, dress,manor, and actions
conflict A struggle between opposing forces in a story or play. Usually resolved by the end of the work.
Dialogue The conversation of characters in a literal work.
Figurative language A form of language use in which writers and speakers convey something other than literal meaning of their words.
Flashback An interruption of a works chronology to describe or present an incident that occurred prior to the ,main event of a frames work action.
Foreshadowing Hints of whats to come in the action of a play or story. Often shown by clues in the speech in the text.
Imagery The pattern of related comparative aspects of language, particularly of images in a literary work.
Irony A contrast of discrepancy between what he said and what he meant, or between what happens and what is expected to happen.
Litteral language: A form of language in which writers and speakers mean exactly what their words denote.
Pathos The audience feel pity for the character
Protagonist The main character of a text
Resolution The sorting out of a situation
Syntax The grammatical order of words in a sentence
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