bob tait 5


CASA Aero Fichas sobre bob tait 5, creado por Matt Barnes el 26/06/2017.
Matt Barnes
Fichas por Matt Barnes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Matt Barnes
Creado por Matt Barnes hace alrededor de 7 años

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Pregunta Respuesta
19: c 20: a
22:a 23: c
P Power + Attitude
Wing loading = Lift / m^2
In headwind, max range is achieved when speed higher than min drag speed
In tailwind, max range is achieved when speed lower than min drag speed
Flying for best range in no wind fly at best glide config (aka best lift/drag speed) - fly at min drag speed (aka lowest fuel flow) - at most efficient AoA (4 deg)
flying for best range weight increased fly at speed for min drag fly at same angle of attack
Height for best range full throttle height at best lift/drag ratio speed
Height and speed for max endurance fly as low as possible rpm (power) as low as possible (in any wind or weight)
Which is larger? Maximum Range speed or Maximum Endurance speed Maximum Range Speed
what do flaps do increase coefficient of lift increase drag
slats can increase coefficient of lift by 60%, however have no effect on lift coefficient until high angles of attack are reached
what do slats do prevent: - flow reversal - serparation - stall
the gap between the slat and the wing is called a slot
slat graph for coefficient of lift
flaps graph for coefficient of lift
difference between flaps and slats slats allow max AoA to be increased flaps increase Coefficient of lift at all AoA
Retractable slats are deployed during approach and landing, as detected by increased AoA
Wing fences help prevent span wise flow allow for slower approach speeds
wing fence diagram
What does a vortex generator aim to do (scientifically) delay flow reversal and seperation
How do vortext generators do this they lift stagnating air away from the surface and replace with with higher speed airflow from above they reenergize the boundary layer
Benefits of vortex generators low lift off speed lower stall speed improved controlability
Air aircraft of a certain weight is flown at 150kt IAS at 1000ft. If the same AC was flown at 150kt ISA at 20,000ft, the angle of attack req to maintain level flight would be the same
devises such as slats, slotted flaps and vortex generators act to modify the behavior of the boundary layer
compared with nil wind conditions, a headwind component during cruise will a reduction in max range but no change in max endurance
to achieve max range when a head or tail wind exists, the correct speed to use is higher than best lift/drag ratio speed in headwind, and lower in tailwind
for two AC, identifical in every aspect f apart for gross weight, to achieve max range in nil conditions the heavy aircraft should fly faster than the light one
faster than speed S if a headwind exists
Refer to qn 6. To use the least amount of fuel in a given distance for nil wind conditions, the ac must be flow at speed S for any weight
slower than speed S in any wind condition
ignoring all other considerations, the theoretical heigh to fly a piston engine ac to achieve max range is at full throttle height
for an ac at a particular gross weight to maintain level flight at a particular height and IAS, a particular power setting is reqd. If gross weight is increased.... a larger angle of attack and more power would be required
When flap is lowered on an aircraft in flight, lift and drag both increase
An ac is in straight and level flight at constant power. As weight reduces with fuel burn-off, level flight may be maintained by increasing indicated air speed and lowering the nose
Considering an aircraft maintaining straight and level flight at the speed which produces maximum endurance. If level flight is to be maintained, more power will be required if speed is reduced
In the lift equation, S represents max plan area of the wing
In the lift equation, p represents the mass of a unit volume of air
The term 1/2pV^2 in the lift equation is most closely associated with indicated airspeed
You are required to hold over an aerodrome to wait for fog to clear. To ensure the max possible holiding time available, you should fly as low as possible and min power
stall strips Wedges attached to the front of the leading edge. They are used to promote stall at the wing root first.
Ruddervators both control surfaces move left or right in response to rudder both move inwards or outwards in response to elevator reduces weight and drag
In a climb > < Thrust > Drag Lift < Weight The higher the angle of climb, the higher the magnitude of difference between the values
Diagram of > < in climb
Max rate of climb is achieved with max surplus power
Diagram for max rate of climb
As heigh increases, the power required for level flight at any particular speed increases
As weight increases, drag increases, due to higher AoA required
As weight increases, power required increases
Effect of wind on rate of climb none
Ground effect is found to a height equivalent to one wingspan down to the ground
a conventional aircraft entereing ground effect on landing will experience a nose down pitch and increase in longitudinal stablility
Static vent error due to ground effect during landing will cause the IAS and Altimeter to decrease
Ground effect and drag Vortexes are prevented Induced Drag is decreased Drag is decreased (by up to 40%)
Static vent error due to ground effect during Take Offf IAS and Altimeter will over read
Drag due to ground effect during take off the drag will all of a sudden increase when leaving it
Ground effect during take off wwith aircraft behavior nose-up pitch and decrease in longitudinal stability
In decent > < Lift<Weight Drag>Thrust
In still air, gliding distance depends on..... lift:drag ratio thus, angle of attack
Best lift:drag ratio is found at 4 degrees AoA
If weight is increased, what happens to glide range Glide range is unchanged, but we must fly at a faster speed
Optimize glide range in headwind fly faster than best lift/drag ratio speed
Optimize glide range in tailwind fly slower than best lift/drag ratio speed
Effect of weight of AC in headwing when gliding the heavier the AC, the further it will glide This is because heavier AC glide at faster speed As the slower, lighter AC spends more time in the air, it is pushed back further
What is a sudden tailwind on approach called? An undershoot windshear A layer of air which acts as a sudden tailwind will cause a loss of lift and result in undershoot
What is a sudden headwind on approach called? An overshoot windshear A layer of air which acts as a sudden headwind will cause an increase of lift and result in overshoot
Undershoot shear is commonly found downwind from a hill, where the wind speed has been blocked by the prescence of a hill
Sudden changes in wind speed and direction are commonly found in the vicinity of TS Fast moving cold fronts
Force acting towards the centre of a turn centripetal
Centripetal force eqn F = m*v^2/r = (W/g)(v^2/r)
Angle of Bank required for Turn radius vs Weight Weight has no effect. The required angle of Bank is constant for all weights.
Need equations for the following
Need equation for if you double v, at the same bank.... you will quadruple the radius of turn
Need equation for if you half v, at the same bank.... you will turn at 1/4 the original radius
Bank angle vs Stalling speed higher the bank angle higher the stalling speed
Load Factors theoretical description A good indication of the amount of energy being extracted from the airstream it is the ratio of lift/weight tells us how hard the wing is working
Load factor mathematical eqn 1/cos(bank angle)
Stalling speed vs Load factor Stalling speed = Original Stalling Speed * (Load factor)^0.5 It increases with the square root of the load factor
The max load factor an AC can take is called limit load factor is set by manufacturer
In a turn, very small increases in speed have very large increases on radius radius = v^s v x 2 = r x 4
Load factor vs speed speed has no effect on load factor only bank angle
When it comes to turning performacne, you must "slow down to hurry up" to increase rate of turn, you must slow down....
Angle of bank reqd for Rate 1 Turn TAS/10 + 7
The only factors that affect turning performance are speed (TAS!) and bank which give radius and rot
Effect of height on turning radius increases if height increases, since TAS increases for the same IAS rate of turn decreases if height increases, since TAS increases for same IAS
Effect of wind in turn when in headwind, less bank is reqd when in tailwind, more bank is reqd (its all about the time in the air per distance on ground)
Wind originating from the centre of turn, what is the effect Especially at low level, where ground features are visable As AC turns from downwind to upwind, the pilot will experience illusion of skidding Pilit will want to increase bank. Not necessary!
Wind originating from the outside of the turn, what is the effect As AC turns from upwind to downwind, pilot will experience slipping in turn
CLimbing and descending turns get from FTA
As the angle of bank increases towarads 90 degress there is more ____ and less____ more pitching less yawing
Go over Bob Tait stuff when understand FTA climbing and descending turns Do it.
Minimum Radius of Turn depends on (stall speed)^2 / bank angle use 45 deg as bank angle
Va Manouvering speed maximum deflection speed not marked in a steep turn, Va would change Elevator is most crucial
change Va with weight Va decreases when light AC Va increases with heavy AC
Vno is where the top arc of the green
Vb turb penetration speed in turb, fly just below Vb
Vfe is where top of white arc
V that are not marked Vb Va Vle
Max angle of climb is achieved at max surplus thrust
Max rate of climb is achieved at max surplus power
Effect of weight on angle and rate of climb increased weight reduces both angle and rate of climb
effect of density on climb reduced density reduces rate and angle of climb
defintiion of stall the condition where increase in AoA results in less lift
When you get ground rush and pull up quickly and stall, this is called high-speed stall dynamic stalll induced stall
Change in weight vs stall speed and stall angle same stall angle different stall speed
Increase in power vs Stall speed As power increases Stall IAS decreases (The prop acts to increase lift due to its downwards motion)
Flaps vs stall speed Flaps increase Coeffcicient of lift A lower IAS req to produce lift Therefore lower stall speed
CoF posn vs stall speed Stalling IAS decreases as CoG moves aft
Ideally, stall should begin near the wing root and process towards the wing tip
FTA changing the wing AoA across the wing to controll stall Do it.
Spinning rotation the dowards wing has more drag work it out from there
Balance ball in a spin IAS in a spin balance ball will deflect away from the direction of the spin IAS will be low and almost unchanging
Spiral Dive IAS rapidly increasing
Spin Recovery Nose down to unstall wings Opposite rudder
Stability, by definition the property which causes an AC to return to its original position after it has been disturbed (Without any control input from pilot)
Static Stability If after original displacement, forces cause the object to move back to original position, it has positive static stability.
Dynamic Stability FTA
Stability in pitch is.... aka Longitudinal Stability
Longitudinal Dihedral Tailplane has lesser Angle of Incidence than Wing Angle of Incidence
Stability in Roll aka Lateral Stability
Keel surface below CoG Reduce Lateral Stability
Keel Surface above CoG increase lateral stability
Lateral Stability and Sweepback lower wing has less drag moved foward gets more airflow, gets more drag
Stability in Yaw aka Directional Stability
Directional Stability, Destablizing moments are caused by surfaces ahead of the CoG
Directional Stability Stabilizing moments are caused by surfaces aft of CoG
Which is weaker? Lateral stability or Directional Stability Lateral
Spin Summary Wings stalled IAS low and constant Loads on airframe are modest
Spin Recovery Power off Opposite Rudder Forward stick to unstall wings
Spiral Dive Summary Wing are unstalled IAS high and rapidly increasing Loads on AC are dangerously high
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